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RE: Implementing a Hypothetical Currency Application on EOS

in #eos7 years ago

Hi. I am a regular Joe, and I don't understand most of what is in this post. I have gathered that EOS is a competitor to Ethereum and that your goal is to make it more effective in terms of transactions per sec. I have never participated in an ICO, but I did sign up for the mailing list, hoping to participate in this one. If you read this comment and you are tech savvy, could you please try to explain what EOS is capable of in layman terms? And how it works? This would be greatly appreciated.


I think that was @dantheman's attempt to explain this to pseudo-average joe types. I thought the email / messages analogy was pretty good. All blockchain projects are very complex, and no analogy will be perfect. It truly depends on what level of understanding you are seeking. How easily can you explain the way a computer works? Your understanding will only be limited by your own curiosity and willingness to learn. Give yourself time to absorb the info. I've been a geek / techno wizard type for my entire life and there are things that are beyond my understanding, but only b/c I have not chosen to invest the time to dig deeper.

Anytime you simplify a topic accuracy and details are lost. How accurate do you want your explanation to be?

I think his point is from a user perspective, what benefits are there to such a system in real world scenarios.

Basically what Dan did is similar to explaining how SMTP, POP3, MTA, and MX works for email. Now ask most people how each component works for email, and they'll tell you:

Uh, I don't know. In the TO line, I put my mother's email address. In the subject line I put "hi mom" and then I type what I want to send.

What could EOS do better, than existing technologies out there (from a USER perspective only). That's going to be the key thing to explain.

Thank you for the reply. I want the explanation to be so simple that it only highlights the differences between EOS and Ethereum from a user perspective like Intelliguy says. He is spot on with his e-mail analogy.

If any of you have seen the tv show Silicon Valley it highlights this potential problem perfectly. Their software "Pied Piper" is really nice and useful, but no one understands it and the dev. team is not able to explain what they have made to the general public.

It may be completely obvious to the devs that their product is good and that it could revolutionize the world, but remember that the general public know nothing of how anything works with programming. It is all magic to them. You press W on your keyboard and your character moves forward in the video game.... You flick the switch and the light comes on.... You press this sequence of numbered buttons and the phone rings....

Remember, this is software that hasn't even been officially and formally announced yet. Keep watching and the picture will become more clear. :)