Why you should NOT buy EOS on the first ICO!

in #eos8 years ago


First of all i LOVE steemit BTS and are very excited about Eos.


The crowdfund (ICO) could end in a disaster for you.


Lets make some examples:

Lets imagine i want to buy EOS for 10 ETH!

a* (b\c)
this is the Formular how it will be distributed to us.

a = Total ETH contributed by an authorized purchaser during the period. = 10 ETH in our example

b = Total number of EOS Tokens available for distribution in the period. = In this first Periode its 200.000.000 Eos (200Mio)

c = Total ETH contributed by all authorized purchasers during the period = We will do 4 example calculations, with 100, 300, 500 and yes even with 1000 Mio$ worth of ETH.

So again:
a: total ETH 1Person is buying: 10eth in our case
b: Eos Token available in a Periode: 200mio
c: Total ETH contributet by all during the Periode ( 5 days Long will it be available))

ok now lets calculate what we will pay for 1 Eos in this 3 cases

we will calculate with: 1ETH = 336$

Here Comes the Formular

a *(b\c)

In the first example lets assume 100Mio$(297.000ETH) will be bought by People during the 5 days.

10ETH * (200.000.000 EOS\297.600 ETH) = 6720 EOS you will get for your 10 ETH. 10ETH = 3360$\6720EOS = 0,50$ you paid per EOS

And now look what happens if more People buy an more $ goes into this.
(You can put this Numbers in the Formular above and recalculate if you want)

300Mio= 892.857 ETH = 2240 EOS = 1,50$ per token
500Mio= 1.488.095 ETH = 1340 EOS = 2,50$ per token
1000Mio = 2.976.190 ETH = 672EOS = 5$ per token

Why this Numbers? 100 Mio to 1 Bil?

Bancor collectet 156 Mio in 3 Hours!

What do you think could happen in 5 days?

The question is now what is the fair Price so i can estimate if the Price is too high or not.

This is near impossible to say but...

You can watch another icos with a simmilar supply

i now this is not 100% correct but atleast you can see a Price range

at a Supply at 1 Bil ( even it is distributet over a Long time ) i would say a Price Range from

0,24$ to 0,50$ is ok everything else Looks overpriced for me. but as i sayd this cant be calculatet this is in your Hands what do you think is overpriced or not.

But this are the numbers.

Hope i could clearifiy this a Little.

And if i did a mistake in calculation plz tell me i will correct it.

Thanks and have a nice day

and dont understand me wrong. I love this People i love steemit and BTS and i really want EOS but i dont feel confident with tis ICO.

Have a nice day again...


I'm thinking that it will be the first ICO that easily hits 1 billion but lots of hype about this right now 😳😑😀

this could really be because ther is no sell off!! they Price per token for everybody will climb at the 5 days more and more. I love eos but i really dont like this model. The same Price for everybody is not automaticly a fair Price. IF everybody Pais too much. But what to much is must every single one think for himself

Totally agree with you, there hitting the market at its peak... I may just drop 1 ETH just to have some to hold but who knows what will happen, tons of hype and every single person I talked to is going in regardless what we say smh smh lol

This is one of thos Projects/coins i really want to be in but this model has no Max Price! Maybe People dont realize this. I will wait for eos to hit exchanges and try my luck there but wish the best for you and everybody else