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RE: Just the Facts (EOS Proxy by

in #eos6 years ago

I really like how this is coming together. I wonder though, how do you go about collecting the data you're using? Is it supplied by the BPs or do you go out and obtain it? What does the process of "We collect" look like?

I gave some ideas in a twitter thread recently on why I think @eosdac brings value and deserves a vote. I also didn't see mention of our open-source tools such as the EOS Custom Token Explorer which you can see an example of it running here for EOSDAC: or the Member Client demonstrated here: That's an example just from my personal perspective working with eosDAC, but I'm sure other BPs have value adds (especially many of the backups who don't get much attention) which may be hard to notice as well.

Maybe people put more value on centralized applications running on websites over open source code they can run themselves locally? Eventually our DAC tools will be available for and powering many DACs around the world. That, I think, is really valuable. You can track our progress here: but again, that's just me talking about what I'm involved in. How do we get everyone talking about everything they are involved in? When we start measuring things, people will make decisions based on those measurements, regardless of if all (or even enough) data has been captured. That's some challenging stuff.

Thanks again for putting this information out there and trying to help people make informed decisions regarding their EOS votes.


Hi @lukestokes,
Let me start out by saying I really like all you have done for the EOS community and Steemit. Now on to your questions.

  1. I get data feeds from Alohaeos, who are part of the EOSmechanics team. I have updated the site and talk more about this. I'm not sure when is the last time you visited?
  2. So, performance, popular vote and BP validation I get from the above.
  3. The VAM I get from the site database that I run.
  4. As for the Global Distribution I get from the get_producers API
    Basically, I have multiple scripts I have created in python and dump to a mysql database then do some simple math to get the point system. It's not too complicated and could be explained over a cup of coffee.

Currently EOSDAC is ranked 12th on my list


Thank you for these links and tools. Awesome progress. I have added them to the VAM. Welcome to the Matrix :-).

Keep up the great work and I hope the EOS community continue to get stronger by the moment.

Excellent reply, thank you.

I should have clarified that I was more interested in how you collect data on things that are not easy to obtain via existing data feeds. For example, me commenting on this post may have directly impacted the knowledge readily available to you which then impacted eosDAC's rankings.

How many other projects across how many other BPs might similarly have unrepresented projects are attributes?

This is a big challenge for any of these BP ratings systems since they have the potential to send both noise and signal. If the "best" BPs are the ones that spend time contacting ratings groups to convince them of the value they bring (instead of actually putting that time into bringing more value), then we get a repeat of the types of tactics that lead to "triple A" rated mortgages, the subprime mortgage crises, and many similar centrally-controlled financial system debacles we're trying to avoid in this space.

The "controlling hand" may end up being those who run ratings websites. ;)

Thanks again for a great reply and the work you're doing to help voters and proxies make better decisions. It's not an easy task at all, but with openness, persistence, and continued effort, I think we can all continue to improve and, hopefully, get more voter engagement going to get the best BPs securing the chain.

wow excellent point. I think only the VAM is manual when it comes to adding the tools. I have no way to automatically add tools that BPs create. However, if we proposed that BPs add to their bp.json all the tools they have created I could automate that piece.

  1. Performance does not require communication to me. Although not all BPs get a performance rating because they are not in the top 21 slot. I was working on getting performance stats from the test network so we could get an idea how a BP would perform if they did slot into the top 21.
  2. Popular Vote does not require any communication to me. This is available via the chain
  3. VAM does require communication to me. But like I said above if we could get this added to the bp.json we might have something here :-). The rating system on the tools is automatic though.
  4. Validation does not require any communication to me. This is up to the BPs to keep their bp.json files upto date and websites.
  5. Global location. This is also up to the BPs and doesn't require any special communication to me.
    So... with that said. If we could somehow have the tools BPs are creating in the bp.json or into a contract on the chain then I could be 100% out of the picture. Which I would really like :-).
    Just some thoughts. Thanks for the input.

That's a fantastic idea! I just created an issue ticket on the bp.json repo for it.

I agree, it seems only the WAM is a bit subjective / manual. I agree, this could be improved. As a proxy voter, I think about the deliverables a BP supports as being quite important beyond just technical excellence as a block producer.

Unfortunately, in my 2+ years of DPoS experience, I have not yet seen a good way to measure technical excellence when it comes to block production. It's easy to become a popularity contest or a "how many whales do you know" activity. Measuring the technical competency of a block production team at doing the actual job of running reliable, secure nodes and properly evaluating code changes and (importantly) protocol consensus changes as they come up is not something very easy to score. When Block One is pushing out emergency security updates in closed conversations, for example, the wider world doesn't know which BPs have the expertise necessary to evaluate those change requests and respond to them in a timely manner. Due to the nature of those situations, the details of how they are handled should not be made public because of responsible disclosure and the importance of getting consensus witnesses patched and upgraded quickly before a vulnerability is exploited. It also means voters don't have all the information needed to make well-informed decisions.

Again, I applaud your efforts to improve the transparency of the whole ecosystem.

I just update some of my views on your post to github. I think it would be better if we had someone create a smart contract much like the eos-proxyinfo.
Here are some of my thoughts:
A smart contract that BPs can use to register tool/app/education/resource etc. I'm thinking this could be something in the vain of how proxy account register today
I would like to see something like

  • EOS account name: Your EOS account name. If a BP should be the one that they use to produce blocks so they get the credit.
  • Project Name: This could be the name of the tool,app,topic etc...
  • Description: A short description of your project intended to be shown in listings.
  • Website: An http or https URL to a website, Reddit post, etc. with more information about your Project.
  • Logo: An http or https URL to an image with the size of 256 x 256 px. This should be the logo for the project not the BP's main logo
  • Project Status: Is this in Dev, Beta or Production
  • Category: This is optional I have some categories I have already created located here for example, explorers, wallets, voting, resources, outreach, education, testnet, key managment, identity, account creation, chain contracts, and a host of monitors and trackers.