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RE: Explained: Why Aren't More EOS Token Holders Voting? (...and Why They Should)

in #eos7 years ago

the first time you drove a stick shift was really confusing, scary, and complicated, right? Remember having to use the e-brake on a hill for the first time? Total bonkers, right?

It's not much different here. These things are confusing and unfamiliar at first, but after a while they make perfect sense and you use them without even thinking about it. The multiple keys are there to protect you. You never use owner key for anything, but the active key you use as needed. That way if someone gets your active key, you can use your owner key to change it so they no longer have access to your account.

BitShares, in some ways, acts like a centralized exchange in that you send them tokens, they keep them for you and issue you an equivalent amount of a token they create representing that token you sent, like OPEN.EOSDAC. When you withdraw your EOSDAC, they then burn the equivalent amount of OPEN.EOSDAC and send you real EOSDAC.

To get the "real" tokens, just withdraw them to a wallet you control, like eos-voter I mentioned in my post. You may first need to create an EOS account and there are various services out there for doing that like this one.

This is very early on in the process, so expected polished tools right now is like expecting streaming video and Netflix in 1996. It's going to take some time to build out the protocols and then the tools on top of them.


I am motivated to get into this space, I just need details, like the one express in this comment, thanks. I'm not stopping until I get there, it just takes time, which is why you are not seeing people jump in in droves. I appreciate the hard work that youand others are doing. For me the energy I put into this I know is worthy, it is replace the bad energy with the good energy here. Thanks again. BTW, the first car that I have ever driven was a stick.