RE: EOS to take over -- rising wedge combined with cup and handle
Good post. When I started learning Ethereum & Solidity it was a nightmare with very few docs etc to learn from.
Now there are a handful of very good video courses but it is still difficult to learn Solidity and bugs in remix etc but getting better.
When i test a contract it can take 30 seconds for Ethereum to tell say a test small lottery contract so the user who entered the contract needs to wait 30 seconds " please wait confirming your entry to lottery" .
Many wont wait for the app message on screen "You been entered in the lottery" message to come back 30 secs later they stare at the screen impatient and click away.
Many hacks, eth stolen, $millions eth locked in contracts due to security issues and contract killed by kids messing on github....
Certified Ethereum Developer exam still not available at so no standard qualification, but ethereum still newish so could overtake bitcoin , who knows.
EOS if they get it easier to code than solidity and faster to transact on blockchain and cheaper will overtake ethereum , have to wait and see its everything to play for 2018 interesting year.
I made a one hour video course on my blog about EOS 1 year ago as i saw it had great potential, June 2018 be interesting and significant if they get EOS to be better than ethereum.
Certified Bitcoin Professional