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RE: Proof of Good Governance

in #eos7 years ago

I agree with a lot of what you have said and a lot of the concerns you've raised but again you take the time to put on display the positive benefits of moving to a more transparent blockchain but leave out the negatives such as acountability for every action by every user using that blockchain with as yet unprovable claims that this technology could not be oevrtaken in some as yet unforeseen way by a societal element able to hold to account and punish as yet unprescribed behaviours.

Again, you stand to benefit massively from any technology introduced so your opinions and views must be scrutinised and analysed thoroughly.


Fear of community judgement is rational, especially when the community is not rational. The mob can be scary and empowering the mob has consequences for non-conforming individuals.

My goal is governance without violence.

Others aim to ensure each individual has atomic weapons, invisibility cloak, and impenetrable armor. Such is the logical outcome of maximizing the individual approach.

The middle ground, electing a governing body which "sees all", "judges all", and "enforces all", but which allows individuals to attempt to be private from the "mob" is the worst out come. It enables unaccountable corruption in the hands of individuals with the power of the mob.

I understand completely where you're coming from but my vision of the future is one where we work together to ensure that everyone has everything they need negating the need for any violence or governance. I know that is an idealistic view but I think it's one worth working towards rather than admitting defeat. The world in which we live and the actions of those within our society are all socio-economic, propagated by those standing to benefit from the continuation of the current system which leads to us being trapped in a never ending cycle of competition with each other for what we are told are limited resources, most of which are not required to live a healthy and happy life and many of which are actually detracting us from this possibility in future. I would suggest that all things being equal, the vast, vast majority of men and women are good and conscientious and given the opportunity, would demonstrate such. I believe a handful of us are fucking things up for the rest and this element will always be a part of us but if we are knowledgable about the dangers of the few within our ranks, we should be able to keep them at bay and identify them easily. In this environment, having suffered the modern society for so long, I think most would be happy to defend their new found freedom, rather than looking to others to do it for them.

As far as the abuse being seen on the platform, I would suggest that this is something that could be countered simply by those within the community with the power to do so to lead by example and I'm sure this example would lead to change.

Cheers and Happy New Year to you.

If someone doesn’t find Steem to be the funniest platform they have ever used then they don’t have a sense of humor. Whomever thought that people would use a platform responsibly where money was involved obviously didn’t think that through. This place is a joke and I stay for the humor that it is. It attracts the most desperate people from the entire world looking for a quick buck. Hilarious IMHO. Good luck fixing anything.
In fact don’t fix a thing, I wouldn’t have any thing to laugh at.

I've been here since June 2016 and some of those desperate people were truly desperate I'm talking living huts with no running water and earnings from Steemit got them out of a desperate situation.

I was reading a book on "Investing in Cryptos" recently. They were pretty fierce on the criticism of STEEM and They asked how dumb you would have to be to launch a crypto that had 100% inflation per year built in as base working assumption?

What if you shift from an idea of a, "judge" and let the users speak using the already in place voting sysyem. Example: User's and witnesses notice extreme theft of reward pool community brings this to the witnesses, witnesses vote amongst each other to impose mass vote, users do the research and make the final choice. Rarely used, but would show fuckers the potential losses of coming with that bullshit. We already have mass voting built in. And think about it, how else does a decentralized platform protect itself? Fb,YouTube centralized control mass bans people, I'm not talking that we do that- but we have to protect ourselves too. That's why the flags are in play, but they aren't working.

Why empower the mob when you know the mob is not rational? Not only is the mob not rational but it is not capable of being rational. This means the mob is not capable of being moral in my opinion, which will lead to all the problems which people fear will come.

Explain how you can make the mob rational to avoid continuous persecution by an irrational mob?

In a different system the mob will have a different character.

Show me that "different system" where the character of the mob has changed.

How can I? It hasn't yet been able to form of course....but the process of reaching that point has begun.

fightings and disagrements wont help the steem blockchain,we minnows might not have much stake here but we love steemit and the steem blockchain, not only because of the money but because you guys gave us in real sense what an online community is supposed to be. i would advice you shouldn't throw away the baby with the bath water, if steemit fails, you have failed, you might have moved on to some other projects that becomes very successful but if steemit should fail you would always be indentified with it failure. i propose that you guys should come to a round table and dialogue and get steem on course, steem is the most undervalued blockchain because of all these bickerings going on. steem is your baby,fight for it for us all,dont stand aside and watch it die when you could have prevented it.

This is too much...steemit is an incredibly successful experiment. No-one can prevent the issues generated with the token distribution and governance model.