
yeah EOS is now going to be seen as a scam, you have to have like $5 in ether just to fucking sell it , so a lot of peopel who dont knwo anything about it will believe it is a total scam now...., no crypto currency should make u do exra steps, the EOS creators should fucking not be so lazy and have done AL these extra steps of registration FO US, they sold us fucking FAKE tokns traat have an EXPIRATIOON date? Yeah i dont have any ethereum in my wallet eithr so i cant do this either!

fucking EOS people should fucking compensate us for these goamn fees, this is so lazy, they should hav SENt people the extra gas with their EOS they scammed us out of, fucking christ, this is such a scam such a fraud, when peopel end up not being able to redem their EOS because EOS peopel are too lazy to come up with a way to KEEP TRACK OF WHO HAS HOW MUCH EOS everyone has, then peopel will SUE the EOS people, and production and development of OS will come to ahalt, it will be ugly, EOS crw should fucking make up for thios utter gred, WTF i am so mad about this right now, what a scam, we were sold FAKE EOS tokens that ARE NOT Eos tokens! They are fucking fakes that EXPIRE what a fucking scam....they should have just WAITED for EOS to come out ,....i swear to god they better pay for my ethereum wallet to be able to even regutrer this fucking shit! i cant ven SEL it now without fucking having some ethereum!

this is rediculous! EOS should PAy for EVERYONEs etheruem fees becausethey basically conned us into thinking we actually had a REAL token that was WORTh something...liek EVERY OTHER CRYPRO CURRENCY EVER. but NOPE this is the ONE crypto currency witha fucking expiration date

sorry for getting mad but this IS a fraud and i dont care what peopel say they cant do tis to people, they cant scam people like this, MANY MANY MANy peopl will NEVER be able to complete these EOS registration steps! its so fucking diofficult so many steps its crazy, they expect random people to just larn all this shit? now eopel are STUCK WITHA COIn they CANT EVEN SELL without BUYING ANOTHER COIUn think about that, EOS should PAy for this and COMPENSATE US for this MESS

You really don't understand. The tokens are frozen because otherwise there's no way to build a reliable distribution lists. Aggregating and subsequently calculating the ~120k and growing addresses that have an EOS token history takes time. And in that time, transfers can be made, and thus invalidate the snapshot. In order to have a 100% verifiable snapshot and to ensure all value is properly transferred from the ERC20 token to the EOS native token, the tokens must be frozen at some point in time.

i have never laughed harder.

Yes. You'll need some ETH for fees, I've updated the instructions, thanks for pointing this out.

I participated eos ICO with MEW last night, but I made a mistake on process...

My process was

  1. Funding ETH > 2. Generating key > 3. Register (Public Key, Private Key) > 4. "Claim all" process

Now I know I had to generate key first and I shouldn't have registered Private key.

When I checked this morning, My MEW account was linked to my Private eos key, so I changed it into Public Key.

and I did "claim all" process again but now I wonder if there would be any problem on getting my eos token.

Please let me know if there is anything else I have to do.

Thanks a lot

Nothing is wrong. As written in my original article, you can register your EOS key at any point between now and end of ICO in 341 days. Claiming, however, can only be done after any window you've contributed to has finished/closed. The first window is still open, thus, you cannot claim your tokens until it is closed.

Thank you for your reply.

I successfully got my eos tokens in my MEW.

But I am still concerned because I registered my private key on the "contract" page.

Would there be any problem on it? or do I have to change my eos public key?

I saw someone who lost all eos tokens, probably because he registered private key on contract.

Please let me know if you have any opinion.

You registered your EOS private key? Please regenerate a keypair, and the update your EOS key then. No harm is done as long as you update this before June 3rd 2018 and NEVER use that EOS keypair again.

I sent ether to the EOS contract address and after I generated the public and private key but I still cannot map the public key to myetherwallet and as such I cannot get my EOS token, I need assistance on what to do

yes am getting the same error.....was able to register the public key but not able to claim yet

hey the transfer occurred now and can see the eos's in myetherwallet...I had not registered the public key so didn't have a clue why it wasn't working...thanks mate for the awesome step by step guide!!!