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RE: Episode 2 - Running into Command Line Issues

in #eos7 years ago

Deleting directories, or folders, is a bit different. You cannot delete a directory using RM command. There is another command that lets you delete a directory and that is rmdir. So in order to delete the directory named steemit, run this command, rmdir steemit.


Thanks. Do you know the function for removing directories and files. I receiving the following error.

Last login: Mon Feb 26 23:05:15 on ttys000
$ rmdir eos
rmdir: eos: Directory not empty

I know some of it. I think you cannot delete those directories that are not empty with this command.This command deletes only empty directories. You can delete this directory and all the contents inside will be deleted. For that use this command. (rm -R filename)
I think this command will do the job. Try this one and let me know.
Command=rm -R name

I think that worked. I'm going to try to reinstall the eos files again and see if I can do some testing. Thanks for the help!!!!

Last login: Mon Feb 26 23:54:31 on ttys000
$ cd eos
$ ls

Don't mention it. Babye