I think all STEEM holders should be concerned about EOS, just as all MySpace stock holders SHOULD have been concerned about Facebook. I'm not an expert but from what I've seen potential SMT projects could decide to launch on EOS instead of STEEM, a blockchain which appears to offer more scalability and advanced features. On top of this Dan has already said that he WILL be launching a social media competitor on EOS. STEEM is great but there is room for improvement, and those improvements will possibly be better on a new platform rather than trying to implement them into one that is already running.
I think the application specific nature of Steem is a huge benefit. With EOS you have an additional step/intermediary to consider.
My gut impression is that once the SMT toolset is available (& hivemind too), I as a non developer content creator could probably have a community and token up and running with no more effort than putting up a WordPress site.
Running a token directly on EOS is much more complex as it is a very broad, non specific operating system. So to be any real competition you need someone to develop a Steem competitor on EOS that in turn allows token issuance and customization of its own. So why not just remove the intermediary and go straight Steem blockchain?
The only thing to consider is the coin value . If bloggers can make more due to higher price of the coin, then bloggers will follow the money.
Hopefully steem will get it's proper valuation ater smt so this won't be a big factor
A huge part of this is Instant Registration and Steemit being able to advertise.
Once fixed, it should be a new ballgame.
Content creators doesn't really care that much about the money. They mostly do it because it's fun and engaging! That it's something new that is pushing human evolution forward. The for the money people will usually stop creating very fast.
I agree; Community building can be very easy on SMT and hivemind. It may be necessary to claim to be a separate entity with it's own internet domain but essentially all the mechanisms can reside on Steemit, STEEM and little else needs to be created. SMT is optional but obvious motivator to create a Community... even if @ned can't endorse this openly or connect the two officially due to "regulatory issues".
Exactly. Considering that every second now could be worth money. Does anyone have time trying to play 2 year catch-up with Steemit? At the same time they are doing that the ability to attract real content creators is a hard task that takes a long time to develop. People are very loyal and tribal once they start to like a specific platform. Unless something totally new comes out that is a massive game changer.
As both tokens are on ethereum chain they may integrate both into a social media setting.

Ie. Both tokens could be accepted as rewards or used in otherways exchanged converted etc.
Some ethereum kinship...
Both on Ethereum? STEEM is it's own blockchain and EOS is launching it's own in less than a month...
Why do you buy them with ether?
Due to ethe network etc,
What you seem to forget is how big this market is. There is no real competition. Also most of the advanced features isn't really needed. Content creation that it works is 99% of the game. The rest will fix itself. If EOS creates a social media competitor then it will also increase the value of Steemit since both these services will be on the cutting edge.