EosStore’s BP Election& Eos Capital Press Conference Showing Strength and Belief

in #eosstore6 years ago

On May 13, 2018, EosStore’s BP Election & Eos Capital Press conference was hold grandly in Beijing. The conference, hosted by EosStore and co-organized by InvestVane, attracted nearly 70 block-chain-focus media, like Cointime, iceo.com.cn, tech.163.com and BiShiJie.com, to attend and report.

At the conference, Lu Haifeng, the founder of EosStore, made his sharing themed on the practical use of commercial-scale DApp. Luo Bin, the partner of EosS Capital who is also in charge of the marketing department of EosStore, made his speech on the construction of EosStore community.

At present, with less than one month left before launching the Eos MainNet, 21 BPs election globally has attracted world-wide participation. It is reported that at least 44 BP candidates come from China or their core team members are ethnic Chinese, which accounts for a half of the number of qualified candidates. Under this background, EosStore’ s announcement of its BP election is obviously well-prepared. 

Lu Haifeng, Founder of EosStore

As the partner and the founder of EosStore, Lu Haifeng declared the establishment of Eos Capital and introduced the growth path of EosStore to all guests. From a serial entrepreneur at Garage Café (the first entrepreneurship-themed café in the world) in early years to the founder of EosStore and a partner of Eos Capital nowadays, he said, EosStore, as a part of his career path, grows from a concept to a team of around 30 members with advanced technology and abundant marketing resources. The meaning of EosStore’s existence and the roadmap of the project are becoming increasingly clear.

As Mr. Lu pointed, members of EosStore are enthusiasts of block chain technology and also firm believers of EOS, committed to co-build a decentralized community featuring self-ownership, openness, equality and mutual-trust with EOS holders. Meanwhile, as a BP candidate, EosStore has done three things around EOS ecology, creating a close loop ecosystem with fund, store and community being three-in-one.

The EosStore community serves for every EOS holder, early developer of DApp and any people or team willing to participate in DApp development. To provide these community members with better service, EosStore will share EOS-related information and hold EOS-themed activities regularly. Besides, EOS academy will also be established. All of these could be as platforms to provide technology training and exchanges for DApp developers.

EOS holders could enter into EosStore community via voting for EosStore during this BP election, as Mr. Lu stressed, then they could gain some special welfares like voting, technology training for development and project investment. 

As for application, EosStore has created EosStore, a content distribution platform for DApp. Like SnapPea in mobile internet era, EosStore could let developers show and distribute their DApps, provide a platform for user to download DApps and pick up projects for investors.

When it comes to capital, EosStore showed a wallet address with 9,990,000 EOS (approximate to 1 billion RMB or 160 million USD) at the press conference. The well-capitalized Eos Capital, holding eight-digit EOS in totality (approximate to 2 billion RMB or 315 million USD), is able to support the development and incubation of any distributed DApp. 

Besides, EosStore provides BP with” one active plus two standbys” deployment model featuring one host and two backups located in Tokyo, Singapore and Beijing. At the conference, Lu Haifeng pointed that EosStore has launched a DApp recruitment plan, attracting many teams to submit their DApps. All these DApps will be rated by people in charge of this in EosStore. Meanwhile, Eos Capital is in operation formally, planning to support some DApp forunners.

Testnet is in operation, completing high availability test, stress test and active/standby switching test.Welcome to our Testnet: Github.com/eosstore/eso-testnet 

During his sharing, Lu Haifeng emphasized that EosStore is” focusing on the practical use of commercial-scale applications” time and again, expressing his team’s work philosophy which is being absorbed and practical.

Following was about the community in the EOS closed loop ecosystem, detailed by Mr. Luo Bin who is in charge of marketing section of EosStore. Mr. Luo was a partner of Garage Café before, saying that EosStore inherited Garage Café’s spirit— “contributing while asking for nothing, enjoying the happiness of helping others”. “Our EosStore community, first inheriting the good tradition of Garage Café”, Mr. Luo continued, “will spare no effort to help everyone in EosStore community in an all-round way without asking for a short-term return.”

Luo Bin, Director of EosStore Marketing Section and a Partner of Eos Capital

Meanwhile, Luo Bin listed “zero, one, two, three” four principles followed by EosStore community. Zero means zero-threshold access. A holder even having one EOS could join in EosStore community;

“One” means one purpose. EosStore sticks to the core of focusing on the practical use of commercial-scale applications. All training and exchange activities, on line or off line, have one same purpose that is turning technology into commercial use.;

“Two” represents two functions and two communities. Functionally, EosStore will not only invest in projects in need of capital support, but also incubate potential ones. As for community, the investor community and the developer community will be interlinked, creating a closed loop from developers to investors. 

Three support departments: investment research department, technology support department and the section responsible for resource communication. The investment research department will give professional advice for investors in the community after analyzing projects regularly. The technology support department will provide technology advice and training for DApp developers. The last department is responsible for delivering such resources as human, marketing and brand to DApp developers.

Finally, Luo Bin concluded his topic sharing with a sentence” join us to create the next glorious era”. Mr. Luo called on more DApp developers and other block producers to join EosStore community, developing relative applications based on previous testnet and co-building a decentralized community featuring freedom, openness and equality.

EosStore team also set lucky draw to express gratitude to guests and media for their concern and support, with 11 lucky attenders receiving 100 EOS.

During media interviews, EosStore team had a further conversation with financial reporters. Taking photos with some guests at the end of this activity marked the successful ending of EosStore’s BP Election & Eos Capital Press conference. 

At the critical moment of EOS BP election, EosStore threw its hat in the ring after a long-term low-key preparation. As a well-capitalized candidate with strong technology support plus perfect ecosystem, what surprises will EOS bring to us? Let’s wait and see!