RE: ABC knew about Epstein's heinous abuse and had information from Virginia Guiffre for 3 years and didn't report. Project Veritas leaked footage and Many Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and other celebrity connections! Amy stating what anons have been saying.
UPDATE 7.1.2023
From the same group that brought you #TheChosen
Selling out Disney's Indiana Jones!
Go to Angel Studios at Angel dot com
Click first photo for link!
You should know this movie was filmed 5 years ago, but did not see the Light of Day because Fox produced it, Disney bought it, then shelved it.
Next, some major players including producer, Eduardo Verastegui were integral in buying in back and Angel Studios said they wanted to get it out there to the public! #DivineIntervention? You decide!
Hear Tim Ballard say, "it's been like Spiritual Warfare to get it out!"
He stated, "it's been a struggle, there's a lot of people that don't want this movie out there I promise you that!" #DarkToLight
Did you know ABC, who is owned by Disney Also shelved an interview done with one of the girls that Epstein allegedly abused?
We have the evidence! [Click through photo frames for link to evidence]
#epsteindidntkillhimself [Epstein is just the #tipoftheiceberg]
See link with full sources as you click on the photos and in the comments of post here,