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in #epstein โ€ข 5 years ago (edited)


Join me as we explore the seedy underbelly of elite society: human trafficking.

Time to expose these sick bastards, let's dive in.

The idea that the most powerful politicians, business tycoons & royal family could be trafficking children was considered a "fringe conspiracy theory" for a long time, after Epstein's arrest, that is no longer so

So how long has this been going on? Have they been caught before?
Well actually, yes.

Quite a few times.

How do they continue to get away with it? Mainly because y'all have been too busy fighting each other red team vs. blue team to bother researching anything lol

Lets go over one of the most prolific cases, the Franklin Cover Up of 1988


This case involved the trafficking of young men from the largest foster home in the US: Nebraska's "Boystown" to elite sex parties, even to the White House

Not only did the head of the investigation committee drop dead so did a dozen more people involved in the case, suspicious?


So why have you never heard of this case?

Besides everyone being brutally murdered, the documentary created to expose the scandal

"Conspiracy of Silence"

Was pulled from airing on the Discovery channel after it was already listed in the TV guide all copies were then destroyed


Thank god someone from the production team managed to leak the video online, you can watch it below

I would highly recommend you take the time to watch. I can't go in depth on how evil their tactics and how blatant the cover up by the media fully here

"Ok Mr. Tang, that's all fine and dandy, but how does this relate to modern-day??"

Well for that we'll have to take a look at what's been transpiring on the island nation of Haiti.

Most know that the UN/Clinton Foundation provided a lot of support following the 2010 earthquake
But many don't know exactly what kind of "assistance" they were providing.

Where is the best place to steal children from besides US foster homes you ask? Mainly foreign foster homes in the third world.

These parasites prey on the most vulnerable among us. True demons.

So the UN was clearly using their status as benevolent support providers to abuse children, what were the Clintons up to?

They collected almost $4 billion for Haiti surely they provided much needed support to the earthquake victims and didnt just keep the cash right?


In fact, from what little we DO know about where the money went, it looks less than stellar.

With Hillary running the State department and Bill heading up the UN's efforts in Haiti, they collected billions and used it to pay for their daughters wedding (as exposed by Wikileaks)

What else did they use the Clinton Foundation funds to accomplish for the Haitian people?

Well, for instance, they got Hillary's brother Tony a unique gold mining license, the likes of which had not been awarded in 50 years.

The same Tony Rodham "passed away" recently hmmm RIP
OK, so back to child trafficking:

What us did we learn about the Clinton's Haitian plundering from Wikileaks?

Uh, well they literally used their influence to free Laura Silsby, a woman caught trafficking 33 children out of the country.

Don't worry, she changed her name now


So where is Laura Silsby now? Certainly,![( she's been brought to justice right?

At the very least, she must not be allowed near children right??

Naw lol, Laura "Gayler" got hired at a company that works with Amber Alert. You know, the service that deals with missing children...

Alright, lets get to the real meat and potatoes of Wikileaks discoveries


While this item has been massively misrepresented, we'll take a look at what it's REALLY about, who's involved and how it's been covered up and stigmatized in the media.

Above is the only time the conspiracy was covered anything close to fairly in the mainstream media.

Ben Swann, the reporter in the video, lost his job immediately following this video, all of his content was deleted from the internet.

He was then blacklisted from the industry
So what exactly is "Pizzagate"?

The phenomenon began as people started to dig through the leaked emails of Clinton campaign chair Jon Podesta

Among other disturbing things, there was an invite to a "spirit cooking" event from Marina Abramoviฤ‡, pictured below at one of these events

Before we even get into the "Pizza" part of this thing, it's not even necessary to understand what was going on.

All you need do is read this email to Podesta from a mother who sells private webcam time with her children.

Apparently Jon doesn't wait for "adult swim"

Ok, l'll go lightly over why this is called Pizzagate

It has to do with the FBI's established symbols and code words used by pedos to communicate with each other discretely

Not only R there plenty of clear uses of code in these emails, there is also a certain pizza place in DC

"Comet Pizza and Ping Pong", a small Pizza joint in D.C. seems harmless at first

Until you realize not only is it's logos straight out of the FBI cheat sheet, they also host grotesque bands (advertising the events for "all ages") that joke about pedos

I've actually visited the joint to investigate, and let me tell you the vibes are extremely dark, for instance, the bathroom is hidden behind a trap door (wonder what other trap doors they have)

Oh and check out the neighboring "Besta (as in "the beast) Pizza"'s logo

So much more to go over in regards to this, for instance, the owner of Comet Pizza James Alefantis (pictured next to his Ex boyfriend, David Brock head of liberal outlet Media Matters) visited the Obama Whitehouse many times (much like how Epstein visited the Clinton Whitehouse)

Ok, so where does this leave us?

Oh, that Epstein guy, I almost forgot lmao

Ok, so who exactly is he connected to? What's up with his island and who's been there?

The list includes:

  • Bill Clinton

  • British Royal Family

  • The Israeli Mossad

& more


Since we're already on the Clintons, lets look at how close they actually were.

According to flight logs, Bill rode on Jeffs sex plane the "Lolita Express" 27 times. Many times with young women.

He even reportedly vacationed on Epstein's private island

Flight logs released from Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express'
Virginia Roberts is currently suing Epstein for allegedly recruiting her to work as an underage sex slave. She says she was forced to have sex with law professor Alan Dershowitz (pictured).
While its no real surprise that sexual deviant Slick Willy was tied in with this sick operation, most are surprised by the fact that Prince Andrew of the Royal Family has also flown on the Lolita Express and has been accused of sexually assaulting minors

It really shouldn't tho.
The British Royal family, the group that has been effectively dominating the majority of the world's population for the last few centuries, are perhaps where these practices originate.

This was exposed for all to see after the death of UK child programming star Jimmy Saville

Jimmy was a close friend of the Royal Family (pictured below with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles)

And in 2011, it was revealed he had abused over 500 victims, mainly at hospitals. Truly the lowest of human scum.

Of course the BBC did their best to cover the whole thing up..

Speaking of the media covering for their elite child trafficking friends, perhaps we should ask @GStephanopoulos and @katiecouric why they had dinner with Epstein AFTER HE WAS ALREADY A CONVICTED CHILD RAPIST!!

If you don't understand how this game works by now, you never will.

mentions Oh, and before I forget, this is a good time to cover up the largest child sex ring of all time:

The Vatican

Everyone is familiar with how the church has historically protected priests from their victims and indeed, the royal family has many ties there

mentions This may be a good time to mention that following Pope Benedict's early resignation (he was a Hitler youth), the first time in 600 years that a pope has stepped down before death, Pope Francis now faces calls to step down as well

It has been revealed he knowingly protected pedos

mentions Alright, so Presidents, the Royal Family, news personalities, who else?

Oh, that's right, the tech billionaires.

You didnt think they were allowed to avoid paying the price of elite status, did yah?

Musk and Gates, both in the bag.

Should make you question their motives.....

mentions I know there's a lot of libs out there foaming at the mouth waiting for me 2 talk Trump/Epstein but I want to cover the #ClintonBodyCount first

You're probs reading this thread because of Epstein's "suicide"

Is this the first time a close clinton homie has bit it before trial?
mentions Well obviously no lmao

If you've paid ANY attention to the Clinton's exploits, you'll know how people seem to drop dead around them

At this point, the list is almost 50 people long.

I want to talk about the most recent examples so you'll have context

Complete List Of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously Or Committed Suicide Before Testimony
"...probably nothing."
mentions Back to Wikileaks:

Following the 2015 leaks that exposed the DNC rigging the primary against Bernie Sanders (which led to my personal awakening), Hillary blamed the Russians.

Was there evidence of this?

Nope, the FBI was never allowed to see the DNC server
mentions In fact, Bill Binney, an NSA employee of 36 years, and leader of whistle blower group "Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity" claims the digital forensics of the emails indicate it was a LEAK not a HACK.

The data transfer too fast to have been obtained via hacking

mentions Who might know how these emails were obtained?

Wikileaks themselves claims the emails came from a DNC leaker. Wikileaks has a 100% record for accuracy, meaning all info they've provided has been truthful.

They then issued a $20k reward for info on the murder of one DNC staffer:

There are about a million things wrong with the Official story of Sethโ€™s murder.

The DC police say it was a robbery, but none of his valuables were missing.

The police also refuse to release the body cam footage

Read all the details here


Well since one of my all time favorite crushes wants to know about Seth Rich, why not..

Ok ok, so if it was clear that the DNC had rigged the primaries, why didnโ€™t anyone sue?

Well one brave soul did: @ai_jared put his neck out for the people and had 2 of his witnesses drop dead.

Seth being one, and Shawn Lucas, the man who served the DNC with the case being #2
You may remember Shawn from his viral video where he served the DNC with the lawsuit

In the suit,DNC was forced to admit that it could choose its nominee behind closed doors

Lucas was found dead on his bathroom floor by his GF just WEEKS after the video

Alright, now that we have established the Clintonโ€™s history of magically having their opponents suicided, Epsteinโ€™s โ€œsuicideโ€ should make a lot more sense lol

And now the bombshell yโ€™all have been waiting for, weโ€™ve all seen the pics of Trump/Epstein what was their relationship?

What do we know about Trump's Epstein connections?

Well beyond the 2 pictures widely circulated of them together, and the video of them partying together, Trump's name and phone numbers also appear in the "little black book" & he has flown on the Lolita Express

let's dig deeper
These things are seemingly incriminating, are they?

Both of these two men being billionaires that spend the majority of their time/money in Florida and NYC, it's hard to imagine them NOT having a relationship.

So what were the details on these interactions?
According to flight logs, Clinton flew on the Lolita Express 27 times, many times with a slew of young women. According to Virginia Giuffre, he even visited Epstein's island as well.

Trump on the other hand, according to logs released last Friday flew only once, from FL to NJ...

OK well that seems like a bust, can we catch Teflon Don somewhere else?

That same Virginia Giuffre, ex slave, said she was recruited @ Trump's Mar-a-Lago club, that implies guilt right?

Well, perhaps, if Trump hadn't have later banned Epstein once his activities were discovered

How about the original Epstein case in Florida, Trump mustve been involved

Well he was, in fact, according to the victim's attorney Bradley Edwards, he was the only powerful person that helped him by providing information about Epstein

(@ 6 minute mark)

Well thats interesting, its starting to seem that while connected with Epstein, Trump seems to have thrown him under the bus here

Has Trump ever crossed Epstein before?

According to Michael Wolff, author of anti-Trump book "Fire and Fury", epically so.


Trump 'stole' Epstein's $125M mansion and outed the pedophile to cops
Michael Wolff, who was close with both men in the early aughts, writes in Fire and Fury that Jeffrey Epstein was outed to authorities soon after he threatened to expose Trump as a financial fraud.
According to Wolff, who knew the two quite well, Epstein had informed Trump of a property he wanted to flip, not expecting Trump to steal it out from under him

In Trump fashion, he did and a furious Epstein threatened to expose Trump's finances

Soon after, the 2006 suit started

This is starting to to paint a VERY interesting picture

  • Victims recruited at Trumps club

  • Trump kicks out Epstein

  • Epstein threatens Trump

  • Sex abuse lawsuit starts

  • Trump provides info to attorney

hmmmmm, only question now is why Epstein got off so easy...
This leads us back to Alex Acosta, who just stepped down as Trump's labor secretary.

In 2008, as the US attorney for Miami, Acosta gave Epstein an illegal sweetheart deal


Let's take a look at some documents from Mueller's FBI for clues.
We've gotten 2 major hints as to why Epstein was allowed off with only a slap on the wrist:

  • an FBI doc stating that Epstein had provided valuable info to them

  • An answer Acosta himself gave during his interview with the Trump transition team for his secretary of lab position
    Acosta claims he was told that Epstein was

"above his pay grade"

and that he

"belonged to intelligence"

Now the question is which "intelligence" agency he was referring to.

For this well have to take a look into Epstein's closest female companion, Ghislaine Maxwell, who is rumored to have been the one who procured many of his young victims for him

Her father, a well known spy, was associated not only with the KGB, but Israel's Mossad agency as well

Hmmmm, Mossad huh? Where else have we seen elite sex abusers being tied to this secretive agency?

Oh that' right, Harvey Weinstein, another evil, perverted monster that recently was brought to justice

Harvey used ex-Mossad members to silence/intimidate his victims into silence

Given that these 2 powerful criminals were both connected to the same intelligence agency, which allowed them to roam free for decades, perhaps we can find other connections between the two cases

Perhaps even find why exactly they've just finally been brought down after so long.
Besides both of them being suppressed due to their media connections, both prosecutions are being run through NY courts (Florida let Epstein off)

But why is justice only being served now?

Maybe 'cause the previous NY AG was forced to step down for his OWN sexual assault charges

Once Schneiderman was forced out, not only was the Weinstein case finally resolved, but yet ANOTHER elite sex trafficking case was also finally allowed to go through

Enter the most important billionaire/Hollywood/elite ran sex cult take down of the century


NXIVM was a sex cult headed by the Bronfmans, the billionaire family that owns the "Seagrams" liquor brand (yeah would recommend not drinking that anymore)

They would use Alison Mack (ex-Smallville TV star) to lure in young women, then drug, blackmail and ultimately BRAND THEM

The actual charges brought against the cult involve CHILD sex trafficking as well.

Maybe that's why they were running 11 DAYCARES IN NY

Oh, and of course the organization has DEEP ties with the Clintons and other powerful figures, like presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand

Not only did Hillary speak at the Bronfman family patriarch's funeral, singing his praises, it was revealed in court that the cult had made illegal donations to her 2016 campaign as well

Oh, and as for Gillibrand, whos from Albany, her father just straight up worked for the cult

Alrighty, we're nearing the finale now.

Just one more elite Pedo dynasty to bring up.

He was also prosecuted in NY courts, and now that Mr. "I freeze elite pedo cases" Eric Schneiderman is out, we should finally get to see what he was really up to.
The aptly named Anthony Weiner, was in the news quite a bit back in 2011 when he tweeted a dick pic instead of DM'ing it LMAO

Remember his arrest in 2015 for sexting a minor rape fantasies, which forced Comey to reopen the Clinton email investigation, shortly before the general

The reason the investigation had to be re-opened was because of what was found on Weiner's laptop

Weiner is married to Hillary's right hand woman, Huma Abedin, and for some reason, Weiner had stored Hillary's emails on his computer, perhaps as a type of "insurance policy"

If Weiner had stored files on powerful people to ensure that they would protect him from justice, what else did the NYPD find?

Let's see what military mercenary contractor "Blackwater" CEO (and secretary of education Betsy Devos' brother in law) Erik Prince has to say about it

Erik says, among other things, the laptop contains evidence that Bill visited Epstein's island 20 times, & Hillary, at least 6

He also says, the Obama FBI threatened the NYPD if they released what they found. At this time, no body thought Trump would win


Breitbart News Daily - Erik Prince - November 4, 2016
Stream Breitbart News Daily - Erik Prince - November 4, 2016 by Breitbart from desktop or your mobile device
This is where things start to get really bad.

Given that the NYPD was the first to view the laptop, they were able to make back ups before the FBI could get their hands on it.

So what usually happens to people who have dirt on the Clinton's?

This isn't hard to figure out

You read that right, 9 NYPD officers "committed suicide" this year....

In particular, one high ranking NYPD officer, Steven Silks, committed suicide just one month before he would've been forced to retire from the force by age (he was about to turn 63)

Perhaps we will soon find out what else was on that laptop (if they don't kill the entire NYPD first)

On a side note, here's a Trump interview that he gave on the first "WienerGate", where he randomly mentions "Pizzagate" years before it was a thing

He was referring to a news event about the way Sarah Palin and he eat pizza with forks. But the seemingly random mention is interesting nonetheless given the context.

It's now that we must ask if Trump's election and the fall of these pedo empires is more than simple coincidence

With all of these operations being run so brazenly out in the open, and with so many close connections to the Clinton's, is it possible that the avalanche of take downs is simply because they

"never thought she'd lose"?
So the question remains:

Has Trump made an effort to pursue justice specifically against human trafficking operations?

Is there evidence of this?


One of his last executive orders in 2017 was to freeze all assets of those involved in human trafficking investigation

In fact, as recently as June of this year, the Department of Justice announced the conclusion of their Operation "Broken Heart" which lead to the arrest of over 2,300 online child sex offenders.

This is really happening people.

This follows the takedown of "Backpage.com" which was found to have been facilitating a large portion of sex trafficking in the United States.

This leads us to the need to reexamine other key Trump policy goals.

How do you get children into the country to traffic?

Through our wide open southern border

Obama era policies (that Trump has since changed) allowed immigrants that arrived at the border with children (with no proof of relation)2 be released into the US, the idea being that theyd report to court later

Unsurprisingly, many did not

This means that traffickers were able to bring children through the border, claiming that they were family, all without evidence, then be released into the country with no strings attached

But it's like the Obama admin actually handed kids over to traffickers right?


Yeah, not only were immigrant children directly handed over to traffickers, due to extremely low amount of oversight (is it a stretch to think this might have been deliberate?), it is estimated that there are still 6,000 children that the HHS cant account for

See how this works?

Starting to understand why a wall and separating children from the adults that bring them here is kind of important?

When you have the background knowledge provided in this thread, it is easy to tell why so many powerful people oppose Trump's immigration policies, no?

Oh this is also a good time to bring up the fact that the Mexican government is in on the trafficking as well.

Take for instance the fact that NXIVM had daycares in Mexico and the FUCKING SON OF THE EX PRESIDENT WAS A GODAMN MEMBER HIMSELF

Before I wrap this up, I just want to add one last thing for those out there still convinced the Clinton's couldn't possibly be in with child traffickers

Check out this scandal that the news forgot about that happened under Hillary's state department:

Yeah so Hillary's state department squashed investigations into pedophile diplomats. Casual, nothing to see there.

So what comes next?

Well my guess is it will have to do with the Weiner laptop, which according to the Inspector General's report, contains the following

In conclusion, I just want to thank anyone who read all the way to the end.

This shit isn't easy to read or accept, but the sooner we raise the public awareness of this crisis, the sooner we can end it.

And don't just take my word for it, do your own research, a lot to cover
That being said, if you have any questions on anything I covered here, or would like links to any of the source material, just request it below the thread.

One last thing, I lightly touched Hollywood pedos here,but please check out this great doc for more
AN OPEN SECRET. Official PG-13 version. Copyright Esponda Productions LLC #AnOpenSecret
In light of the long awaited revelations of sexual abuse in Hollywood finally being reported ESPONDA PRODUCTIONS presents AN OPEN SECRET for free for a limited timeโ€ฆ


Thanks for reading!

Peace, Love, Anarchy,


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