Parse : Equatorial squall

in #equatorial6 years ago

Ominous black cloud looms aft,
Singular akin an old steam train,
A few drops felt upon head,
Suddenly wind speed doubles,
Swarming rain barrels ń buckets,
Torrents pełting from above,
Clambering foreword crab legged,
Releasing sheet bringing down sails,
All hands on deck, slippery n wet,
Deck awash cleansing n flooding,
River’s overflowing underfoot,
Drenched to the core.
Soaked where the sun don’t shine,
Chaos over cloud gone,
Warm hot breeze dries out cloth,
What just happened?
In the blink of an eye,
Equatorial squall smacked us up the rear.

© Teague Hall