
Thank you .. I have the 2nd part coming out tomorrow so will be interested to see if it ties in :)

I send message to remote viewer I heard it from. This was his response:

What you're thinking of is called "Sidereal time". It is the time used by astronomers. Because of the earth's rotation around the son, the stars >>appear<< to move in their location in the sky by almost 5 minutes every 24 hours. Sidereal time has nothing to do with night time or black holes. It only has to do with the location of the stars on any certain day of the year. But, a researcher names "Spotteswood" found data that would indicate that when the point on earth where you are is facing the center of the galaxy, it is harder (not impossible) to get as accurate remote viewing results. That time of day will change by around 5 minutes every day, so on one day of the year, the point of earth where you are may be facing the center of the galaxy at, say, 9PM (night time) and six months later, it will be at 9AM (daytime) because each day, the time when your point on the earth is facing the center of the galaxy comes 5 minutes later than it did the day before. Also, since the earth is round, when your point on the earth is facing the center of the galaxy, someone who is, say, 20 miles away from you will not be facing the center of the galaxy. In order to know when, you have to have a "sidereal clock" (which runs about 5 minutes slower than a regular clock). Anyway, that's what you're thinking of. For more details about it, look up either "Spotteswood" or "sidereal time". Anyway, I hope this helps.

Thank you for this information @cmoljoe I shall enjoy looking into this some more when I get the opportunity .. thanks again my friend.

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