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RE: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Part 2: Hidden Royalty & The Desecration Of The Kingdom Within

in #esoteric7 years ago

wow, you covered a lot of ground - lots of good stuff. It does all seem to go back to some type of ancient, revered, Babylonian (for a lack of better word) phallic / sex worship. You see it NASA missions, Google Doodles...the list is endless, really.


Thank you for stopping by @sagesigma I really appreciate it. It's my belief that that Babylonian's were mimicking/inverting an ancient science/religion that transcends our understanding of human history. Passed down from a forgotten/lost civilisation that reached a high state of wisdom/science, they transcended desire and as such sex was only practiced for procreation. The fertility aspect related to perfecting the timing for said procreation.

Following an Atlantean style cataclysm, the last vestiges of this knowledge was handed down from the old world to the new, it was eventually taken over and then inverted. This inversion has led us to this moment in time, this ancient cult are aware of the validity of natural law and so they manipulate (not force) us to live in the lower vibratory realms of the seven deadly sins. When you understand this you can see that this inversion surrounds us. Thanks again my friend.

so this might be too much, but what is your thought on how all of this started? Apologizes if I missed an earlier article discussing this (I just started folllowing you). Do you think the pre Atlantian - deluge knowledge is still known by some? Or do you think it was completely wiped away from human knowledge? To me, that is the most fascinating thing to contemplate. Cheers!

Hey @sagesigma sorry for the late reply .. It's a bit of a difficult comment to answer in one comment .. there are several myths about what happened, one was the Annunaki .. I spoke about this in part1 (which is at the bottom of this post) and then wrote a subsequent post relating to why I didn't think it would be true .. this will be a continuing theme throughout the series .. I will introduce an idea and then write an unrelated post looking deeper into it. I will also be looking far back in time and exploring the formation of this belief system .. but in answer to your question, yes I believe the whole foundation of who we are and where we have come from is a lie. I believe this knowledge was stolen from the people (entire belief systems slaughtered and silenced) and that we now live in a state of collective amnesia. I believe that within the upper echelons of dark secret societies (inverted mystery religions) they hold all the knowledge from the old world and have inverted it, using it to enrich themselves and control, subjugate the population .. indeed knowledge is power and the world is dying for the lack of it. If you look at the bottom of this post you will see part one and I think you will like that, but there is MUCH more to come .. indeed it's a ten part series and part one alone was in three parts :) Thanks again for the great comment my friend.

excellent, looking very forward to you continued work and research on this subject matter/ rabbit hole. thank you for commenting too