
in #essay7 years ago

Hi guys today i wanna share one of my many stories ★lucifer's bride★ i hope you enjoy it
@liberosist @jaycodon @jerrybanfield and others


Annabella was all party, she loves midnight outing as she always goes to the club.

She’s the only daughter of her parents. She had only one sibling. Rolland.

Cynthia, her friend was throwing a mid night party at her place and had invited Annabella.
Bella, for short was a graduate from unilag. She is 24 years old with a fair complexion and a oval shaped face, she was the most beautiful girl in her prime.
That night she got prepared and headed out to the party at 10:00 am.

She got there and saw some of her friends, and they got engaged with chats.

        DOWN IN HELL

A figure with horns sitted at a rocky throne.

As a demon sought of man by name, Hades came forward and bowed down at him.

Hades: Lord Lucifer, you sent for me.

Lucifer: Yes Hades, you are the gate keeper of the underworld and my trusted advisor, I sent for you to seek an opinion over a matter that has been disturbing me.

Hades: What is it my lord?.

Lucifer: I seek a bride, someone that’ll reign by my side. A girl that can cause havoc on earth.

Hades: My lord, yes! My lord, it deems fit for a king like you to have a bride.

Have you seen any female here in hell or in the underworld?.

Lucifer: No, I have made my choice. I want her.

He said pointing to a small round object with black somes clouding around it, Annabella’s image came up.

Hades: My lord, indeed she is pretty, but she is human.

Lucifer: I know but she’s the one I want.

Lucifer: I know but she’s the one I want.

Hades: But my lord. You cant have a mere human as a bride. It will tarnish your image to the lesser gods and demons.

Lucifer: I don’t care. My mind has already been made up.

Hades: But. . . .

Lucifer: Enough!!

He shouted as his eyes were now red.

Lucifer: She will be my bride.

Hades: Okay my lord. Should I bring her here?

Lucifer: No, I shall go and seek my bride myself.

He said with finallity in his voice as he stands up.

Hades bowed down and exit the tartarius.


(NB Tartarius is the chamber of Lucifer)
Lucifer dissappeared from hell and appeared on earth.

He then twisted like a whirlwind and changed to a handsome guy an headed towards the party.

Lucifer came into the party, then he went to sit at a corner as girls now were staring at him.
No doubt, they considered him cute.

He ordered for Ice cold drinks which was brought to him later on, without no further adue, he opened his mouth and poured the drink into his mouth.

He spotted Bella with her friends talking.
He smiled and walked to their direction but was blocked by a girl who was about 4.7ft tall and dark but was still beautiful.

She dragged him to the dance floor without allowing him say much.

He watched her whined her waist but couldn’t react until the girl took his hand and put it on her waist.

Lucifer kept staring at Bella, as he tried to move, the girl whose name was Favour Peter dragged him to a room where she placed him on a sit and sat on his laps, she was rocking her waist on his d-k, he tried to stand up but she held him down, she didn’t find it strange that he hadn’t spoken a word ever since he was with her.

She kept twisting her waist then she stopped, looked at him then kissed him wetly, he didn’t reciprocate, then she forced his mouth opened with her tongue, then he gave freely as he starts kissing her back, then it was more than kissing, he was taking the air out of her mouth, the energy and her strenght, she felt it leaving her, she wanted to stop but couldn’t, it was like magnetic force was holding their lips together.

She began looking old and wrinkled as she was now white as snow, there, her life was taking away from her, she didn’t have any strenght on her again as she fell to the ground dead.
Lucifer smiled, stood up and arranged his cloth then came out of the room but then, there was no sign of Bella anymore, she had left the minute he came out.

Lucifer, tried to see if he could see her but couldn’t, then he came out of the party and headed towards the path Bella had took.

He followed her trail and got to her apartment where she stayed with her brother, Rolland.
Then he dissappeared into hell.

Bella had that feeling that someone was watching her from afar.

She turned around but couldn’t see anyone.


The party has ended, and Favour’s friend,Tobi were looking for her, she saw when She and the guy entered the room. Only the guy came out and she hasn’t.

Tobi entered the place and saw the dead body of her friend and screamed. . . . .


Detective David Spencer woke up due to the ringing tone of his phone.

He stretched out to reach his phone.

He answered and later recognised who was speaking to him, it was the chief of the Homicide division of D.S.S.

David: Good Morning chief.

Chief: Get your a-s down here, there have been a gruesome murder in a party at Maryland.

David: Okay chief.

He said as the chief ended the call and got up from the bed and rushed into his bedroom.
He didn’t take more than fifteen minutes before he came out.

Then he walked to his wardrope and took a see-blue colored t-shirt as he wore his gold wrist watch, then he took his car key before coming out of his apartment.

He entered his camry car sped through the highway before he reached the station.

He parked his car in the car space where he usually parked his car.

He got down and strode into the station while the officers greeted and saluted him, he nodded and headed to the chief’s office, when he got ther, he knocked at the door as the chief’s voice from inside told him to enter.

As soon as he entered, he saw a young lady in suit sitted at one of visitors seat.

The chief gestured him to seat which he did.

“Before we start, let me introduce you to the lady sitted right beside you, she is Detective Joy Ugochukwu, your partner in this case, you both will walk hand in hand, am I clear?” they nodded.

The chief then turned to Detective Joy, “This gentleman here is Detective David Spencer, one of our most homicide agent in this bureau, and I hope you will work with him?” She nodded.

“Okay then, there was a murder at a party last night, the victim was pale and seems she was dried of blood, but she wasn’t, that surprised me, anyway, a girl who claimed to be her friend said she saw Miss Favour Ndubuisi with a guy last night before her death, so your job is to go to the place and interrogate the friends that attended the party to see if anyone know anything apart from Miss Tobi Andrews.”

The chief stopped as he looked sternly into the eyes of the two detective.

Since there was no question forthcoming, he depatched them.

They stood up and saluted the chief.

“I’ll send the address of the murder sight to u few minutes from through your gps.” The chief said.

They saluted him again and walked out of the office.

They came out of the station and entered Detective David’s car and drove out towards the location that were sent to them through the gps.


They drove into the building Edifice.

As they parked the car, they got down and walked through the yellow tape as they met a police officer.

“Hello, am Detective David Spencer, and this is my partner, Detective Joy Ugochukwu from the D.S.S” David said as he shook hands with the police officer and showing their badges.

“am Sergeant Okon Udeme, what can I do for you?” the policeman asked.

“We need to know what caused the death of the victim that died here last night, and also the list of the people that attended the party.” Detective Joy cuts in.

“For now, we dont know the cause of death, cause they are still examining it, and the list is with Inspector Simon.” the policeman said.

“Where is he?”

“Follow me,”

They followed the inspector into the building as they walked to a dark complexioned man about 5ft tall.

“Good day Inspector, these are Detective David Spencer and Detective Joy Ugochukwu from the D.S.S.” the policeman said as he saluted the inspector before walking away.

“Hi, am Inspector Simon Ameachi, how can I help you?” the Inspector said.

“We need the list containing the names and address of those that came to the party,” David said.

“Ok, but why do you need it?”

“for interrogation,” David answered.

The Inspector looked at them before he said, “Okay, follow me.”

They followed the Inspector as he strode out of the building as he came around the parking space, he inserted a key into a Honda Accord car, then he slipped inside, checking a safe, he saw a file, looked at it and came out of the car before handling it to David.

“Here you go, all you need is in there.” The Inspector said as he entered the building again.

David and Joy took a glance at the paper before deciding on who to Visit first-Cynthia Victor, the hostess of the party.

They went back to David’s car before sliding in, David turned on the engine as he reversed out of the building.

Then, they were heading towards Toyin street.


Hades entered the tartarius and saw Lucifer, sitted on the rocky throne, with an emotionless face.

Hades: My Lord, did you succeed?

Lucifer: No, I got distracted, but neitherless, I shall have my bride tonight.

Hades: What do you mean my Lord?

Lucifer: I will show myself to her this night.

Hades was perplexed but couldn’t say anything again, as he went out of Tartarius leaving Lucifer alone in his chambers.



They drove to a compound that belongs to Senator Victor Ogolo.

They horned to alert the gateman to open the gate for them but the gateman needed some identification before letting them in. Though he has told the senator of their appearance.

They strode into the mansion, everything was fascinating.

Senator Victor came out wearing a red agbada, and a hat that matched, it appears he was going out, but also wants to know why the polices had visited him.

He didn’t know of the party his threw last night.

So he was kinda shocked of their visit.

“How may I help you officers?” he asked.

“Good day sir, am detective David Spencer and this is my partner, Detective Joy Ugochukwu.” David said.

“We’re here to speak with your daughter, Cynthia, regarding the death of a girl in her party last night.”

The senator was shocked.

He had heard of a girl that whose dead body was found in a party, but he didn’t know that his daughter was the host.

“Cynthia!” he called out.

“Yes dad?” Cynthia said as she walked down the stairs, but stopped halfway as she notice two people sitting in their sofa, and also saw the angry but worried face of her father, she didn’t need anyone to tell her that this they police officers and that they were here over what happened last night.

Finally, she came out and greeted David and Joy before sitting down at a one arm sofa.
Cynthia said as she walked down the stairs, but stopped halfway as she notice two people sitting in their sofa, and also saw the angry but worried face of her father, she didn’t need anyone to tell her that this they police officers and that they were here over what happened last night.

Finally, she came out and greeted David and Joy before sitting down at a one arm sofa.

“You must be Cynthia, right?” Joy asked.

“Yes,” she nodded.

“Okay, can we ask you questions regarding the dead body of Miss favour Ndubuisi at your party last?”
Again she nodded.

“Okay, are you friends with Miss favour?”


“Do you know her from somewhere?”


“Okay, did you invite her to your party?”

“No, but I invited her friend, Tobi Andrews, maybe she was the one that invited Favour.”

“Hmm, do you suspect any strange behaviour or movements in your party?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yes, it was a party, I was having fun so I didn’t noticed any strange movements.”

“Okay, did you seen Miss Favour’s corpse”

“Yes, she was all pale.”

“Good, what did you think might have killed her, is it drink poisoning?”

“I don’t know, me and she aren’t even related.” Cynthia sounded angry by the questions that their were throwing at her.

She was fed up with it.

Detective David sensed it and took over.

“Try to remember if you saw any strange faces like a man who was with her.”

“I can’t remember.”

“Okay, that will be all for today.” David said as he rosed up from the chair, he shooked hands with the chair and headed towards the door followed by Joy.

Now they just have to go meet Annabella Daniel.

They entered the camry and drove out of the compound before going back to the office.


They got to the station and headed towards the chief office, they got in and sat.

Chief: so, how did it go?

David: we only interrogated one but we’re planning to interrogate another girl.

Chief: Okay, get on with it then.

David: Yes Chief, but we came to know if you have interrogated miss Favour’s friend, miss Tobi Andrews?

Chief: Yes, she was the one that la!d a report.

David: Okay Chief, we’ll be going now.
Joy didn’t say anything throughout their little conversation, apparently, she was lost in thought. And couldn’t hear David and the Chief calling out her name.

David had to touch her before she could get herself.

“What is it, Detective Joy?” the Chief asked.

“Nothing sir, I was only thinking about how the girl we interrogate behaved.”

“And how did she behaved?”

“It’s nothing sir. . . .” David tried to cut in but Chief got angry at him.

“Are you Detective Joy?” he asked.

“No sir,”

“Better, so Detective Joy, how did she react?”
Joy kept quiet a little before she silently said. “Nothing,”

The Chief nodded and they both stood up, saluted the Chief before exiting his office.




Detective David and Joy stood in front of Bella’s apartment as they were knocking, but seems there was no reply, they wanted to retreat when the door suddenly opened and Rolland, Bella’s brother came out from the door.

“Good day!” he greeted.

“Good Afternoon, am Detective David Spencer, and this is Detective Joy Ugochukwu, from the D.S.S.” David greeted.

“So how can I help you?” Rolland asked.

“Actually we’re looking for one Miss Annabella Daniels.”

“Am her brother, is there a problem?”

“Oh, not at all, just tell her we came visiting and that we’ll be back tomorrow.” David said.

Rolland nodded before shuting the doors behind him.

David And Joy then went straight to Oge Chibuike’s house, one of the guess also.

8:30 P.M.

Bella came back drunk and a littly tipsy, her brother, Rolland was kinda angry with herh he had warned her to stop attending parties, but she always kept deaf ears.

He however, helped her to her room to sleep, he removed her heels, then her blouse and her legis, before wearing her her pyjamas.

He was a guy who cherished his sister alot, but sometimes get over the edge.

Because of her drunken state, he couldn’t tell her about the two Detectives that visited earlier, so he decided till she regained herself.

After he kept her in bed, he switched off the light and headed towards his roon, then he crashed on the bed before he dozed off.

01:00 A.M

Lucifer appeared right outside the apartment as a smirk was on his face, he walked through the door and walked towards Bella’s Room.

Question: Will Lucifer succeed to get his, Bella, tonight?