Essential Oils Can Be Effective For Healing

in #essentialoils6 years ago

Essential Oils Can Be Effective For Healing

I. In the medical world most solutions to problems are to just throw medicine at the problem. Most of these medicines contain chemicals or things that aren’t natural. Instead of filling peoples’ bodies with chemicals an alternative is to fill them with something natural; essential oils. When used wisely and properly, essential oils can work effectively to treat different ailments of the body.

II. The nature and history of essential oils and the science behind how they work.

III. A. The History of the Use of Essential Oils.

B. A description of different ways to make essential oils at home.

  1. The Expressing Method is used on the citrus plant.

  2. Steam Distillation is when the essential oil is boiled out of the plant and collected from the steam that is made.

C. How essential oils are absorbed and the different absorption methods.

  1. Whenever essential oils are taken they get absorbed into the bloodstream.

  2. Essential oils can be absorbed through the skin, nose, or by taking them orally.

D. The tests to tell if essential oil is pure therapeutic grade.

  1. When using the white paper test, essential oils disappear when dropped onto a white piece of paper.

  2. If a drop of essential oil is put into water it should just float on the surface of the water.

C. Cases in which essential oils have healed an ailment and what types of ailments they can heal.

A. Essential Oils can heal in some cases, but in others they can only help manage.

  1. Many different types of essential oils like eucalyptus can help combat and heal infections such as athlete’s foot or tinnitus.

  2. These essential oils may be able to heal those types of sicknesses but others they can only manage such as diabetes.

B. In formal medical cases, essential oils have helped cure and manage.

  1. Hospitals are now introducing mixtures of essential oils to help with alopecia and dementia.

  2. These same hospitals are also using lavender and heliotropin to help their patients with anxiety and insomnia.

D. Ways to use essential oils safely and precautions to take take.

A. Get a doctor’s permission before using essential oils.

  1. To avoid possible drug interaction or interference with a diet, consult with a physician before using an essential oil.

  2. Allergic reactions or other conditions may be aggravated with the use of essential oils.

B. Dilution is an easy precaution to learn.

  1. Essential oils are highly concentrated essences from plants, and if not used correctly they can leave the user with severely painful burns.

  2. Dilution can help by taking that concentration and weakening it to where it can be used on the skin.

  3. For baths the essential oil can be dilute with dilute with Epsom salt.

  4. For topical use you can dilute with a carrier such as coconut oil.

C. Patch testing can be useful when not sure about allergic reactions.

  1. Patch testing is when a small amount of diluted essential oil is put on a patch of skin.

  2. This test will help detect which essential oils are harmful; it is similar to an allergy test at a doctor’s office.

E. In conclusion, in order to help heal the body naturally, essential oils can be used wisely.

Essential Oils Can Be Effective for Healing

In the medical world most solutions to problems are to just throw medicine at the problem. Most of these medicines contain chemicals or things that aren’t natural. Instead of filling peoples’ bodies with chemicals an alternative is to fill them with something natural; essential oils. Essential oils are plant based instead of chemical. Essential oils rarely if ever cause harm to a body but if you look at medicine commercials they have a whole list of things that can happen. When used wisely and properly, essential oils can work effectively to treat different ailments of the body.

The Nature and History of Essential Oils and the Science Behind How They Work

Essential oils have been used for medicinal purposes since at least the beginning of recorded history. Beyond recorded history, cave paintings carbon dated back to 18,000 B.C.E. that depicted the use of medicinal plants in their lives. Egyptians are credited in documented history as using aromatic oils (History of Essential Oils).

Ancient Egyptians used healing oils as far back as 4500 B.C.E. Perfumed oils, resins, balsams, aromatic vinegars, and spices were all used. The oils were used pure and sometimes they were made into pastes. These were made into ointments, pills, medicinal cakes, powders and suppositories (Morgan). The next significant era in the use of essential oils was around 400 B.C. Greek physician Hippocrates, now acknowledged as the father of modern medicine, was one of history’s earliest health professionals. He believed that the influence of human olfactory senses was essential to good health. He professed that an aromatic bath followed by a scented massage was the way to maintain good health, which is a primary foundation of todays’ aromatherapy. Hippocrates was also a believer in the bacteria fighting properties of certain plants (Blanchard).
Significant European events include French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse who actually used the term “aromatherpie” when he was experimenting the antiseptic qualities of essential oils. His book titled Aromatherapie was published in 1928. He discovered the valuable healing properties of lavender quite by accident when he suffered an explosion in his laboratory. The explosion burned his hands and he quickly immersed them in the closest liquid he saw, which was the essential oil of lavender. He was astonished how his hands healed with no infection or scarring. (Morgan).

Enfleurage has historical significance as enfleurage was being used the 1800s to process flower in the Grasse region of France long before the solvent method was employed. It is rarely used today due the high cost because the process is time consuming. It is rarely used today due to the high cost. Grasse continues to be one of the few places in the world that still uses enfleurage as an extraction method although the finished product is rare in the aromatherapy marketplace due to the high cost. When a jasmine enfleurage is located, it would be a necessity for someone who appreciates jasmine despite the high cost (Experience-Essential-Oils).

How to Test the Purity of Essential Oils

When buying an essential oil, the purity of the oil is of great concern for the consumer as impure oils may significantly reduce the desired healing effect. One of the first ways a consumer can determine the purity of an essential oil is to read the container. If it contains other ingredients then it obviously is not pure.

Beyond reading the label, there are some simple ways for the essential oil user to determine the purity of their essential oils. First, a pure essential oil will not leave your skin feeling greasy. One test to determine this is to place a drop between your thumb and index finger and rub them together. A pure essential oil should absorb into the skin and not leave a greasy residue. It should be noted that a thicker essential oil, such as myrrh, are a resin based oil and will feel sort silky to the touch (Naturally His- Essential Oils for Faithful Living).

Another easy test is to put a drop on a sheet of white paper. It should leave no stain. If the oil has been diluted, it will produce a stain. You can use the property that oil and water do not mix. Place a drop of the essential oil in question into water. Pure essential oil will float to the top of the water. If the water becomes milky the oil is not pure (Naturally His-Essential Oils for Faithful Living).

Using Essential Oils for Healing Various Ailments

Essential oils can be used to treat a variety of ailments and conditions. A list in alphabetized order by essential oil name appears in Appendix A, which was copied from Sustainable Baby Steps. This list shows what ailment or condition the essential oil can treat. Essential oils can be introduced into the human body by three methods: inhalation, topically on the skin, and oral ingestion. No matter which way the oil is introduced to the body, it will always find its way into the bloodstream. If one is following a natural health lifestyle or is looking for natural alternative treatments for ailments, essential oils may be the place to start. Some of the health issues essential oils have been used successfully to treat are acne, PMS, insomnia, indigestion, restore energy balance, release stress, and enhance mental focus (Curtis and Johnson). When inhaling essential oils the aroma enters the lungs, which then conveys it to the bloodstream. Essential oils can be readily absorbed through the skin when used topically. Many essential oils have antifungal, antibacterial, and/or antiviral qualities and unlike antibiotics do not promote resistance by repeated use (Mercola).

Essential Oils have been found effective in treating diabetes. Cinnamon essential oil has been found to lower triglycerides, cholesterol, and glucose in the body. The cinnamon essential oil helps the body fight infection while also stabilizing blood sugar levels. On top of all that, it also boosts the body’s immune system. Coriander has also been used to effectively treat diabetes. It does this by increasing the production of insulin in the pancreas (Syakira).

Lavender oil is very useful in treating many wounds because of its antibacterial qualities. Lavender oil can be used to treat bee stings and hornet stings as long as one does not have specific allergies to those insects. Lavender oil also has great antifungal qualities, which makes it effective in treating skin and nail infections and nail fungus. As discovered by Gattefosse, lavender oil is good for treating burns and wounds. Lavender oil can relieve sunburn. When applied to non-open wounds, it helps heal without leaving scars (Organic Place Queen).

In the past, traditional medicine shunned the use of essential oils and preferred to use manufactured medications. In recent years the medical profession is using and researching how essential oils can be used to better treat patients. Weil relates that a study at the prestigious New York Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center “found that the vanilla-like aroma of heliotropin significantly reduced the anxiety of patients undergoing MRI scans.” MRI machines have a long tube that just fits a human body and going into one can cause a little anxiety. Therefore, anything that removes patient anxiety is a positive advantage. At Wesleyan University in Connecticut researchers found that by introducing patients to the aroma of lavender helped induce a more deep, restful sleep (Weil).

Essential oils have found their way into the dental office. Various essential oils that induce calmness and reduce anxiety can help dentists keep their patients happier. Aromatherapy has been used in dental offices through sprayers and diffusers that eliminate that “Dental Office smell. Which relaxes patients who have apprehensions about dental work (Goodman).
An aroma therapist is Canada has documented how essential oils clean out the lymphatic system. Once the essential oils are inhaled, they spread to the bloodstream via the lungs. Once in the blood stream they reach the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system consists of the spleen, tonsils, bone marrow, appendix, thymus gland, lymph nodes and a few other organs. The function of the lymphatic system is to filter out bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other disease causing agents. It is then easy to understand how important the lymphatic system is for the human body. In order to help the body clear out the buildup of toxins that are stored in the lymph nodes she uses “Aromatherapy lymphatic drainage massage is a holistic therapeutic full body treatment using the optimum frequency of massages depends on the individual and their particular needs.” She recommends at least one 90 minute massage a week for best results (Cripps).

Millie Troth is a supplier of essential oils. She writes articles about different oils periodically. In 2010 she wrote about the healing powers of basil essential oil. Anyone who has smelled the sweet scent of basil knows that for some reason the aroma is satisfying. One of her patients got stung on the forehead by a yellow jacket wasp. She put one drop of basil oil on it and the pain and swelling disappeared immediately. Another one of basil’s properties is that it is a powerful antispasmodic. Troth and her husband use it when they are awakened occasionally by power muscle spasms commonly known as Charlie Horses. They have found that a few drops of basil essential oil rubbed into the most painful area stops the spasm in seconds. Sometimes her husband gets a second attack later in the night and he just rubs in a little more of the oil then he did the first time.

The Precautions to Take When Using Essential Oil

One way to be cautious before using essential oils would be to consult with a physician. He or she could advise about possible drug interactions with medication already prescribed. It is necessary to keep in mind that essential oils are highly concentrated. A minute amount of essential oils may have the same effect as many cups of an herbal tea (Patterson).
The essential oils derived from citrus fruits can have a photosensitizing effect. This means that they enhance the sun’s effect on skin. When planning to go outdoors do not apply any of these essential oils to the skin or avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. Therefore, it would not be advisable to apply any of the citrus derived essential oils before going to the beach. This could result in very bad sunburn or even worse a blistering burn. Women who are pregnant or nursing should use extreme caution before using any essential oils. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) has considerable list of essential oils that pregnant or nursing women should avoid. When applying essential oils topically it is advisable to test the oil on a small patch of skin to determine if there is any allergic reaction. When performing these tests, it is advisable to dilute the essential oil in a carrier of a 3% to 5% solution. This translates to 3 to 5 drops per teaspoon of the carrier oil. Some of the best carrier oils to use to dilute the essential oils are jojoba, almond, or coconut oil. If the test site forms a rash of any kind this is a good indication of an allergic reaction to that essential oil (Patterson).


Today’s society looks for more natural ways to treat ailments and illnesses. It is no wonder that this is true. One has only to turn on a television and watch the commercials for new prescription drugs. After all the benefits are described, the manufacturers are required to list the possible side effects. During this portion of the commercial, the announcer usually picks up the speed of his speech because he must say an awful lot in a short time. After hearing all the side effects it makes a reasonable person consider if they really want to try that drug. This may account for the tremendous rise in the use of essential oils. When used safely and intelligently essential oils can help heal the body more naturally. Essential oils have become so popular that the annual global sales of essential oils are 6.63 billion dollars in 2016 and still growing (Grand View Research).

Arborvitae: Supports healthy cell function, grounding, cleansing, insect repellant, etc
Basil: Mental alertness; supports sore muscles/joints, menstruation, etc
Bergamot: Skin purifying, emotional support, etc
Birch: Supports healthy muscles/joints, skin blemishes, uplifting, etc
Black Pepper: Antioxidant; supports healthy circulation, flavoring, etc
Cardamom: Supports healthy digestion, respiratory health, cooking, etc
Cassia: Supports healthy cell function, digestion, arousal, etc
Cedarwood: Repels insects, supports healthy skin, emotional support, etc
Chamomile, Roman: Calming, immune healthy immune function, etc
Cilantro: Antioxidant, digestive aid, cleansing, healthy skin, etc
Cinnamon Bark: Supports metabolic function, oral health, cleaning, etc
Clary Sage: Supports healthy hormonal balance, tension, emotions, etc
Clove: Promotes cardiovascular health, oral health, immune health, etc
Coriander: Supports digestion, clear skin, sore joints and muscles, etc
Cumin: Digestive health, purifying to body systems, flavoring, etc
Cypress: Soothes muscle tension, energy, skin health, etc
Dill: Digestive support, calming, cooking, etc
Douglas Fir: Respiratory health, skin health, etc
Eucalyptus: Supports healthy respiration, skin, cleansing, etc
Fennel (Sweet): Promotes healthy digestion, metabolism, circulation, etc
Fir, White: Muscles, joints, respiratory support, empowering, etc
Frankincense: Supports healthy cellular health, skin, emotions, etc
Geranium: Healthy skin and hair, calming, insect repellant, etc
Ginger: Digestive support, grounding, cooking, antioxidant, etc
Grapefruit: Cleansing, skin health, healthy metabolism, alertness, etc
Hawaiian Sandalwood: Healthy skin, meditation, etc
Helichrysum: Promotes skin appearance, healthy metabolism, etc
Jasmine: Skin health, balanced mood, etc
Juniper Berry: Kidney/urinary function, skin appearance/toner, cleansing, stress, etc
Lavender: Universal oil. Calming, skin health and recovery, flavoring, etc
Lemon: For increasing energy, digestive and respiratory support, cleaning, etc
Lemongrass: Healthy digestion, supports muscles and joints, complexion, insects, etc
Lime: Cleans, detoxifies, energizes, healthy immune function, etc
Marjoram: Emotional support, muscular support, cardiovascular function, etc
Melaleuca (Tea Tree): Cleansing, healthy immune function, skin complexion, etc
Melissa (Lemon Balm): Supports healthy immune function, tension, etc
Myrrh: Cleansing, skin and complexion, emotional balance, etc
Orange: Emotional balance, overall health, cleansing/purifying, antioxidants, etc.
Oregano: Powerful cleansing agent, healthy immune/digestion/respiratory function, etc
Patchouli: Supports skin health/complexion, grounding, tension, etc
Peppermint: Wonderful for digestive/respiratory function, energy, cooling, etc
Roman Chamomile: Calming, immune healthy immune function, etc
Rose: Promotes skin health/complexion, emotional balance, etc
Rosemary: Promotes healthy digestion, respiratory function, healthy hair/scalp, etc
Sandalwood: Skin health, calming, grounding, etc
Sandalwood, Hawaiian: Healthy skin, meditation, etc
Spearmint: Promotes digestive health, oral health etc
Tangerine: Cleansing, healthy immune system, cooking, etc
Tea Tree (Melaleuca): Cleansing, healthy immune function, skin complexion, etc
Thyme: Cleansing, purifying, healthy immune function, insect repellent, etc
Vetiver: Calming, grounding, healthy immune function, etc
White Fir: Support muscles/joints, stress, empowering, etc
Wild Orange: Emotional balance, overall health, cleansing/purifying, antioxidants, etc
Wintergreen: Soothes muscles/joints, skin/complexion, emotional support, etc
Ylang Ylang: Promotes healthy skin and hair, calming, etc

Works Cited

Blanchet, Trisha. "Uncommon Scents." Vegetarian Times, no. 283, Mar. 2001, p. 80. EBSCOhost,

Cripps, Mark. Aromatherapy cleanses lymphatic system of stress-related toxins: [Final Edition]. Final ed., Stoney Creek, Ont., Stoney Creek News, 2002, Accessed 23 Sept. 2018.

Curtis, Susan, and Johnson, Fran. Essential Oils. DK, 2016, Accessed 17 Sept. 2018.

Experience-Essential-Oils. The Methods of Extracting Essential Oils are Still Being Proven!, N.D., Accessed 17 Sept. 2018.

Goodman, J. (2007). Introduction to the use of essential oils for dental practitioners. Oral Health, 97(3), 45-46,49-50,53-54,57-58,60. Retrieved from

Grand View Research. Essential Oils Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product (Orange, Corn, Mint, Eucalyptus, Citronella, Pepper Mint, Lemon, Clove Leaf, Lime, Spearmint), By Application, And Segment Forecas. Grand View Research, 2018, Accessed 18 Sept. 2018.
History of essential oils, (2018). Retrieved from Essential Oils Academy on September 11, 2018 from

Mercola, Joseph. "How Essential Oils Can Help Improve Your Life.", 17 Aug. 2015, articles. Accessed 29 July 2018.

Morgan, Leah, (2018). History of essential oils, Healingscents, retrieved on September 11, 2011 from

Naturally His-Essential Oils for Faithful Living. 5 Ways To Tell If An Essential Oil Is Pure. Naturally His-Essential Oils for Faithful Living, 2018, Accessed 17 Sept. 2018.

Patterson, Susan. "7 Scary Essential Oil Dangers Not Enough People Know About.", 5 July 2016, Accessed 29 July 2018.

Sustainable Baby Steps. An Introductory Guide to 1000's of Uses for Essential Oils. Sustainable Baby Steps, 2018, Accessed 18 Sept. 2018.

Syakira, Sarah. "Top 10 Essential Oils for Diabetes Healing.", 2 Jan. 2017, Accessed 5 Sept. 2018

Troth, Millie. Essential oils for humans: Essential oil of basil. 4th ed., vol. 94, Waterloo, Countryside and Small Stock Journal, 2010, Accessed 23 Sept. 2018.

Weil, A. (2008, Mar 31). Aromatherapy shows promising results for sleep. Calgary Herald Retrieved from


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