
Esteem desktop is great. It offers all the functionality official wallet should have had, and it works reliably.

Thanks @furion! We are bringing Surfer experience to Web as well, soon! 😊

I am looking forward to see more details!
Good job! 🙂

Same I wanted to write :))
Can't wait to get more informations :D

so this works already with your products?

did you upgrade the esteem mobile app/is it somewhat stable these days?

We have released v2 couple months back and about to release v2.2.0 which will have all these improvements and ESTM toke with its usage, stay tuned!

thanks for the update! :)

I am so excited that you are making ESTM be SMTs! I hope Steemit launches SMTs soon!

Thanks, look out for release 😉

I have visions of becoming an ESTM whale!

We all want see this how we get there :)) @melinda010100 lets use lot App and let this cool team make there work peacefully so we all get someting cool :)

We can be whales together!

Yes... and lot users more 😋😋👌🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳
I feel this Esteem get soon very strong, it was just need some time to make something big.👌

You are already one of the whales 😊 btw, we are adding filters into leaderboard, so this release will give you some idea about other whales too, stay tuned

Well, that made my day! 😍❤️😍

For now separate but if community request is to have it as Steem Engine token, we will consider allowing swap functionality, for now focus is to increase use cases and demand. We want our tokens to be used and actively circulating.

It's very interesting to see how does the esteem team is working

Thank you very much..sounds great...looking forward to get more information..up..resteemed..follow you..

Waaa;;;This is a great idea and awesome for all users.That is the best success for all steemains as well as on you and better future.I like so much about it and reblogged.