Share happiness with orphans

Those who join the community are teenagers who are very active in self-development activities, community development and are very concerned about the progress of their mukim. They also care about education, the proof they took the time to teach early childhood in the mosque from 14.30 hours until the arrival of Ashar prayer.

This time they invited 86 orphans who settled in the Beurghang mukim, they were invited by the organizing committee to experience how the community built together. They come from 14 villages that can be said far from the civilization of the city. Not only that, the committee also invites public figures, board members and other scholars.
It turns out that this activity invites the benefactors to participate, with easy funding activities obtained from them. The collected funds are very unexpected, in addition each member collects the obligatory dues to make this event a success.

We agree to the menu we provide on this day is the curry kaming. Goat curry is our favorite food in Aceh. He is ranked first food culinary enthusiast culinary you who will go to Aceh should taste this one, because it tastes delicious can make you add the next portion.
Go back to the orphans. Those who are neglected are children aged 5-15 years. The invitations are able to make them smile with joy as they become part of a big family of caring people and they get a lot of gifts from donors. They feel loved by the people around even though in essence the affection of a father and mother is not comparable with anything. Finally, this community is able to connect the love strap of a child who has been left away his parents are actively sharing among others.

This activity is a manifestation of solidarity of mutual caring that will strengthen the bonds of brotherhood of the community itself and the surrounding community. I am sure you also have a similar kuminitas to advance your village.

Berbagi kebahagiaan dan keberkahan di akhir bulan ramadhan. Terus tebarkan kebaikan bang @hubbi 👍
Salam hangat.
terima kasih @pengelana, semoga mengakhiri kelananya setelah mendapatkan tambatan hati. sudah mnjadi kebiasaan kita untuk selalu berbgai apalagi dibulan yang penuh berkah ini. @pengelana juga harus senantiasa berbagi, walaupun berbagi vote itu sudah sangat berarti.
Mendapatkan tambatan hati 😂, Aamiin ya Allah 😁, terima kasih do'anya bang @hubbi. Insyaa Allah berbagi bagi vote bang, ini lagi berusaha meningkatkan steem power, biar bisa berbagi rezeki juga bang 😂