This meal is one of the typical regional food in aceh (indonesia), it tastes good makes this cuisine lovers will be hooked.
goat Curry said because food is treated with a combination of fruits jackfruit or pumpkin fruit and of course mixed with goat meat. but for sufferers of the disease high kolestrol don't try to eat this food because of this high cuisine kolestrol.

Curry goat is usually served at lunch and still hot so that it is not lost taste typical Curry. I guarantee if you try this culinary will definitely be hooked and definitely add to your appetite. I recommend that when you pay a visit to aceh not to miss with this one.
good luck
warm regards from my @jhonpower.
My boyfriend would love this! :)
Thank you for visiting my blog, this food is a lot like it let alone we enjoyed together, it's a very romantic boyfriends friend