Kepiting Sawah
Sobat semua pasti sudah tahu dengan yang namanya kepiting. Kepiting dapat mudah ditemui di tambak-tambak atau sawah (kepiting sawah).
Berbeda dengan kepiting laut yang sepasang kaki belakangnya berbentuk pipih, kaki kepiting sawah semuanya memiliki ujung lancip.
You can now start earning cool money online from the comfort of your home. All you need is just an internet connection and a bit of your time. This is not an MLM nor a Ponzi scheme. I have earned over $400 in the last 4 days. This sound to good to be true. All you need to do to start earning is to kindly follow the link below and join others to smile to the bank. Registration is free: you dont need to pay to start earning. This is the link>