5 The Illustrations Are Of The Life Of The Society Today
This phenomenon is often the case today.
A cartoonist from Usa, micheal jordan tries to show the problems that often occur in this century through his illustrations. He focused on the fact that people today tend to act individually and are easily influenced by prominent figures and social media.
Such people will form large masses and tend to have negative characteristics. This is a micheal jordan illustration that insinuates the life of today's society.
1. TV shows or spectacles today are likened to people who are defecating and the audience as a container.
2. People are easily drowned and dissolved with the news circulating in social media. They will receive the information raw without seeking the truth first.
3. For the sake of their personal interests, they are willing to destroy the environment and kill innocent animals.
4. The real terrorists are the ones who ruin the minds of others to make destruction in return for the pleasures of the world.
5. On the one hand they give condolences to the fallen soldiers, on the other hand they also give thumbs up and applause to the people who have destroyed it.
*And thank you very much to E.F.A (esteem for all) I have learn more about how to use esteem well, and there are @yandot @owner99 @foways and others who guided us in E.F.A.