
in #esteem6 years ago (edited)


Initially when I was a kid, I thought that the shrimp and lobster were the same animal ... But it turns out!!!

Shrimp and lobster are 2 different kinds of animals.
According to various sources:
The shrimp were animals living in the water, especially River, sea, or Lake. Shrimp can be found in almost every each of all the "puddle" large water be it freshwater, brackish, and salt water at a depth that varies from near the surface to a few thousand meters below the surface. The Foundation of the usual shrimp seafood (seafood). And in the language of Aceh called Udeung,

Lobster is one of the animals that are very unique and beautiful as the combined shrimp and crab because it resembles a large shrimp with crab claws similar magnitude is almost equal. Whereas many clawed lobsters are also relatively small or even no clawed at all. In genealogies, lobsters belong to the phylum Arthropoda, subphylum Crustacea, class Malacotraca, the order Decapoda, Nephropidae family. From the Nephropidae family can still be further divided into subfamilies and genera Neophoberinae, Thymopinae and Nephropinae. In the Acehnese also called lobster lobster lobsters and many get on one of the Islands in Aceh island Seumeulu.

Hopefully We Get A New knowledge..

Awalnya pada saat saya masih kecil, saya berpikir bahwa udang dan lobster itu hewan yang sama.. Tapi ternyata!!!

Udang dan lobster merupakan 2 jenis hewan yang berbeda.
Menurut berbagai sumber :
Udang adalah binatang yang hidup di perairan, khususnya sungai, laut, ataupun danau. Udang dapat ditemukan di hampir tiap tiap semua “genangan” air yang berukuran besar baik itu air tawar, air payau, maupun air asin pada kedalaman yang bervariasi, dari dekat permukaan hingga beberapa ribu meter di bawah permukaan. Udang biasa dijadikan makanan laut (seafood). Dan dalam bahasa Aceh di sebut Udeung,

Lobster Ialah salah satu hewan yang berbentuk sangat unik dan indah seolah gabungan udang dan kepiting karena mirip udang berukuran besar dengan capit mirip kepiting yang besarnya hampir menyamai badannya. Padahal banyak juga lobster yang bercapit relatif kecil atau bahkan tidak bercapit sama sekali. Dalam silsilahnya, lobster termasuk ke dalam filum Arthropoda, subfilum Crustacea, kelas Malacotraca, ordo Decapoda, famili Nephropidae. Dari keluarga Nephropidae tersebut masih dapat dibagi lagi ke dalam subfamili dan genera Neophoberinae, Thymopinae dan Nephropinae. Dala