Stories of Those Who Continue Fasting in Christian Schools

in #esteem7 years ago


Fasting will surely be easier when everyone does it. Especially during Ramadan, normal routine that is usually done every day as adjust to the schedule of fasting. Stalls or stalls selling food will start to open before the Magrib drum. Even if they stayed open, their place would be filled with curtains to honor the fasting people.

The process of teaching and learning in some schools was shorter than usual. However, not in schools whose majority religion is Christian.

the coil has the opportunity to ask some Muslim students who run the fast in the midst of their friends who are not fasting.


It can not be denied, that fasting does make our body so weak because of hunger and lack of fluids in the body. To save energy, sleep becomes a favorite activity during fasting. However, lazy and unproductive, of course, can not be done as long as we still have to go to school.

As experienced by Mory, alumni of SMP Yuwati Bhakti and SMA Mardi Yuana Sukabumi admitted there is no reduction in teaching and learning time. Everything went normal as usual.

In fact, when the Mory gym lessons were forced to follow him.

"Although fasting, 12 o'clock still be told sport futsal, volleyball, long jump, if baseball (done) later baseball can be value," Mory recalls.

The temptation to break the fast is not uncommon to approach Mory. When he was still in junior high school for example, after tired running around playing futsal, Mory can not stand to buy a drink.

"After futsal day-afternoon, just imagine. Well, there happens to be a fruit cobbler passes, immediately wrote dibatalin, because thirst haha, "he joked.


However, Mory frankly, breaking the fast only ever he did when still in junior high. When he was a high school student, Mory actually always finish his fast despite having to endure hunger, thirst and fatigue.

In addition to having to keep up with the lessons, hunger and thirst in the midst of the majority who do not fast so a challenge for Muslim students in school Christians.

The school cafeteria stays open, the smell of cooking can also interfere with the concentration of learning, although of course this is not an excuse.

It is also felt by Bintang, 11th grader at SMA Kolese Gonzaga, Jakarta.

"If fasting should be more patient, some friends are still there who likes to forget I again fast continue ngajakin eat. But I personally enggak problem anyway, "he said.


Being a Muslim student who must fast in a Christian school is an anomaly. However, it does not mean that these Muslim students are not respected during their rituals of unity. Tolerance is still upheld and displayed by students who are mostly bergama nasrani.

This is experienced by Mory. When the bell breaks, the students who do not fast then go to the cafeteria for lunch. The funny thing is that these fasting friends apologize to Mory for appreciating him who is fasting.

"Continue friends are also baseball there is a pledge to cancel the fast, even on the support so," said Mory.

Although the school is a Christian school, yet many students have different beliefs outside of Christianity. Kinship tends to grow and learners learn to respect each other.

The beauty of tolerance is also felt Dini, one of the Muslim students in one of the Christian schools in Padang, for example. He recalled, when Ramadan arrived, his classmates participated in breaking the fast together. In fact, before the Eid holiday, the students at the school held a gathering for mutual forgiveness.

In addition to touching stories about tolerance that exists through the stories of our friends above, have you also experienced the same thing?