This beautiful writing is commonly called calligraphy, adopted from the word calligraphy (English) derived from two Greek syllables, kallos (beautiful) and graphia (writing, script, or image). Calligraphy is commonly known in the world of civilization, not only in the West, but also in the East and distant lands. Therefore, we know Chinese, Javanese, and hat) is the art of spiritual architecture seen through physical form (material or visual, in this case writing)". In other words, his khatunya relates to the subtlety of the soul or spirit. "For those who see the work of callireath in life, perseverance, which also means thoroughness or perseverance , forming a solid soul, appreciating that perseverance can also strengthen the soul. "After centuries of perfection - with such figures as Abul Aswad ad-Du'ali (w 688), Joseph as-Sijzi (d.825), Ibn Muqlah 940), Yaqut al-Musta'simi (w 12meaning to the existence of the creator in our homes