Atjeh as beautiful as painting in history ( Atjeh Seindah Lukisan Dalam Sejarah)

in #esteem7 years ago


Bolehlah hati kita bertanya-tanya, benarkah Aceh masa itu seindah lukisan ini? Tidak ada yang tahu pasti. Namun, bila ingin mencari sebuah kebenaran, kita harus meneliti setiap jalan yang mengarah ke sana. Bukalah setiap pustaka dunia, pelajari, lalu renungkan, benarkah Aceh seindah lukisan?

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Jika kita berbicara tentang aceh di masa kejayaan nya sungguh luar bisa pada masa kemimpinan tuanku Iskandar muda
Satu hal yang pasti, kehadiran lukisan ini membuat jutaan tanya terjawab, bagaimanakah Aceh yang jaya di masa silam itu? Jawabnya, seperti dalam lukisan. Lihatlah semua lukisan yang pernah dilukis oleh pelukis tentang jayanya Aceh, dan begitulah adanya kebenaran itu.

Deskripsi tentang kepemimpinan Iskandar muda
(Hasil kutipan saya rangkum dari Google)

The period of Sultan Iskandar Muda's rule, which began in 1607 to 1636, was the most glorious period for the Aceh Sultanate, although on the other side the tight control of Iskandar Muda, led to many rebellions later in the day after the Sultan's death. Aceh is a very rich and prosperous country in its heyday. According to a French explorer who arrived during the heyday of Aceh during the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda Meukuta Perkasa Alam, Aceh's power reached the west coast of Minangkabau. The power of Aceh also covers up to Perak. When Iskandar Muda came to power in 1607, he immediately made a naval expedition which led to his gaining effective control in the northwestern part of Indonesia. The royal control performed smoothly at all important ports on the west coast of Sumatra and on the east coast, to Asahan in the south. The voyage of his conquest was waged far to Penang, on the east coast of the Malay Peninsula, and foreign merchants were forced to submit to him. His empire was rich, and became a center of knowledge.