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RE: Pomegranate in the snow

in #esteem6 years ago

Good to see someone appreciate your fruit. It could be the only decent food they had all day. Looks like there is plenty of life in your surrounding. Wonderful if they are all friendly creatures.


They are all friendly, or at least there are not any that will bother you unless they are cornered or trapped. Most of the creatures out there will try to avoid you. Except the squirrels and my daughter has them so tame that they really expect everyone to have a hand out for them. A squirrel snack!

All in all, a nice environment then, except for the weather.

I love where I live! Even the weather. When Jim was alive we would take a midwinter trip to somewhere warm and that would help break up the long winter months. But I really do love watching winter out the window as long as I don't have to go out and shovel snow and drive it, I'm fine! It is beautiful to watch!

It's important that you love where you live - even the weather. Otherwise, you will be feeling miserable in the cold winter months.

Winter months are the perfect time for undisturbed reading and Steemin'!

Yes, that would keep you occupied. :-)