Jasa Orang Tua (Billingual)

in #esteem7 years ago


Ayah dan ibu merupakan sebab adanya manusia ini. Andaikata bukan karena mereka berdua tentu manusia ini tidak mampu hidup mapan. Andai tidak ada kesengsaraan mereka pasti manusia tidak bisa merasakan kesenangan.

Mengenai ibu, dia telah mengandung dengan susah payah, begitu pula ketika melahirkan. Sedangkan ayah, dia telah mrncurahkan semua kemampuannya dalam mencapai kebaikan untuk perawatan badan dan jiwa anaknya.

Oleh sebab itu, anak harus selalu mengingat jasa baik kedua orang tuanya. Agar bisa berterimakasih kepada mereka atas jasanya.


Father and mother are the cause of this human being. Had it not been for the two of them this human being would not have been able to settle down. If there is no misery they must be human beings can not feel pleasure.

Regarding the mother, she has been pregnant with difficulty, as well as when giving birth. As for father, he has devoted all his ability to achieve goodness for the care of the body and the soul of his son.

Therefore, children should always remember the good services of both parents. In order to thank them for their services.

By @saifullahtgk