The Body Is Still Intact Despite 13 Years Buried - Tubuh Masih Utuh Meski Sudah 13 Tahun Terkubur

in #esteem7 years ago

For non-Muslims (infidels) it is difficult to believe with the incident of Saddam Hussein's body former President of Iraq 2 years more in 1978-2003. He died in 2006 due to hanging, after a video in social media at the time of the demolition of Saddam Hussein's tomb, it was seen that Saddam Hussein's body was still intact and the shroud he was wearing.
He was very hard on the Shi'i against the American liberal Zionist and he was buried for 13 years but his body is still intact as a new corpse and redefined even his face like a normal sleeper there is a scar from the persecution that does not dry up. Now his grave is dismantled to be moved to his hometown.
Bagi yang non Muslim (Kafir) sulit mempercayai dengan kejadian terhadap jasad Saddam Husein mantan Presiden Irak 2 priode lebih pada tahun 1978-2003. Beliau wafat pada tahun 2006 karena di hukum gantung, berdasarkan video yang viral di media sosial pada saat pembongkaran makam Saddam Husein, terlihat tubuh Saddam Husein masih utuh berserta kain kafan yang dikenainya.
Beliau sangat keras terhadap Syi'ah terhadap liberal zionis amerika dan beliau dimakamkan selama 13 tahun silam tapi jasadnya masih utuh seperti mayat baru dan dishalatkan lagi bahkan wajahnya seperti orang tidur biasa terdapat ada bekas luka akibat pengeniayaan yang tidak mengering. Kini kuburan nya dibongkar untuk dipindahkan ke kampung kelahirannya.