Mobile Water Indonesia For palestine - Mobil Air Untuk Palestina

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)
Every week, emotions do happen. Thousands of Gazans decided to continue the action of Al-Awdah March without receding. Every blood and even a spilled life means a martyrdom struggle for Gazans. In the middle of the action, on Friday (27/4) Indonesian support back to the Palestinians by continuing support in the action of Al-Awdah March the previous week, Indonesian-flagged water tank truck back to present at the border of Khan Younis.
Water tank truck with orange and green base color is parked right in the middle of the action. Dozens of ACT volunteers in Gaza help each action participant in need of clean water, Water tap open, Bottle and bucket into water containers brought by each action participant. One ACT volunteer in Gaza says clean water is needed throughout Al-Awdah March. "In the midst of dusty ground, the burning of tires, to the tear gas that the Israeli military put on, clean water is very hard to come by. ACT represents the people of Indonesia again present in Khan Younis. Once again, the ACT Water Tank carries thousands of liters of clean drinking water for Gazans.
Setiap minggu, emosi bisa terjadi. Ribuan warga Gaza memutuskan untuk melanjutkan aksi Al-Awdah Maret tanpa surut. Setiap darah dan bahkan kehidupan yang tumpah berarti perjuangan martir bagi warga Gaza. Di tengah aksi, pada Jumat (27/4) dukungan Indonesia kembali ke Palestina dengan melanjutkan dukungan dalam aksi Al-Awdah Maret pekan sebelumnya, truk tangki air berbendera Indonesia kembali hadir di perbatasan Khan Younis .
Truk tangki air dengan warna dasar oranye dan hijau diparkir tepat di tengah-tengah aksi. Puluhan relawan ACT di Gaza membantu setiap peserta aksi yang membutuhkan air bersih, keran air terbuka, Botol dan ember ke wadah air yang dibawa oleh setiap peserta aksi. Satu sukarelawan ACT di Gaza mengatakan air bersih dibutuhkan sepanjang Al-Awdah Maret. Di tengah-tengah tanah berdebu, pembakaran ban, ke gas air mata yang dikenakan militer Israel, air bersih sangat sulit didapat. ACT mewakili orang Indonesia lagi hadir di Khan Younis. Sekali lagi, ACT Tangki Air membawa ribuan liter air minum bersih untuk warga Gaza.

After the Friday prayers, the fifth action of Al-Awdah March left four Gazans dead. The dead man was named Azzam Hillal, a 15-year-old Gaza youth. Azzam died on Saturday (28/4) morning or a day after the fifth roar of al-Awdah March action. Azzam suffered a fatal wound on his head due to a bullet shot by Israeli sniper bullets.
In fact, among nearly a thousand people injured, more than 178 wounded by bullets fired by the Israeli military, Bullets pierced the stomach, arms, and legs of most of the wounded. While hundreds more, injured by rubber bullets from Israeli military weapons. The number of action participants who suffered fatal wounds from bullet fire, ACT Team in Gaza opened an emergency medical clinic in the middle of the action.
Selepas shalat Jum'at, aksi Al-Awdah March yang kelima mengakibatkan empat warga Gaza meninggal dunia. Korban meninggal bernama Azzam Hillal, seorang anak muda Gaza berusia 15 tahun. Azzam wafat pada Sabtu (28/4) pagi atau sehari usai gemuruh aksi Al-Awdah March kelima. Azzam mengalami luka fatal di kepalanya karena tertembak peluru tajam sniper Israel.
Bahkan, di antara nyaris seribu orang terluka, lebih dari 178 korban luka disebabkan tembakan peluru yang dilepaskan militer Israel, Peluru menembus perut, tangan, dan kaki sebagian besar korban luka. Sementara ratusan lainnya, terluka karena peluru karet dari senjata militer Israel. Banyaknya peserta aksi yang mengalami luka fatal karena tembakan peluru, Tim ACT di Gaza pun membuka sebuah klinik medis darurat di tengah aksi.

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