benefits and dangers of cassava for health

in #esteem7 years ago

Cassava is a type of food that is very close to the people of Indonesia. But did you know pal if cassava is actually not native plants of Indonesia? Yes, cassava actually comes from Brazil and Paraguay. The Portuguese people who brought and introduced cassava to Indonesia and since 1810an cassava began to be grown commercially in Indonesia.

The existence of cassava had dimmed crushed modernization, many consider cassava is the food village. But in recent years cassava began to rise again to the surface, processed cassava began to be made more creative and ultimately the stigma of cassava as food village is no longer attached. Then is there any benefit offered by cassava for the health of our body? Let's look at the reviews ..

Benefits of cassava for health include:

  1. Energy sources
    cassava is a low-fat and cholesterol food, but high in calories. Calorie content in cassava is almost twice as high as potatoes. Per 100 grams of cassava contains about 160 calories, mainly derived from the sucrose that makes up most of the sugar in the tubers. Cassava is also indicated as a type of tuber-rich tropical starch with the highest calorie content. Thus, cassava can be used as an alternative to rice to meet the calorie needs of the body as a source of energy in order to perform daily activities. To find other types of high-calorie foods, you can refer to Article 12 Types of Foods That Contain High Calories.
  1. Fiber source
    As you know, consuming fibrous foods is very beneficial to the health of the body such as lowering blood pressure, maintaining cholesterol levels and help facilitate digestion. High fiber content and low fat, this shows that cassava is safe to eat without having to worry about obesity.

Related Article: 8 Benefits of Petai for Health

  1. Sources of vitamin K
    Vitamins play a role in building bone mass by triggering osteotrophic activity in bone. In addition, vitamin K can also help limit nerve damage in the brain that is useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients. Another source of vitamin K which also has tremendous benefits for the body is broccoli, see 7 Benefits of Broccoli for Health.
  1. Complex B vitamins source
    Cassava also contains vitamin B complex and some vitamin groups such as riboflavin, folates, thiamin, pyridoxine (vit B6) and patotenic acid. Riboflavin itself is beneficial in the growth process and helps the production of red blood cells to avoid anemia. In addition to these vitamins, cassava also contains vitamin B17 or called amygdaline that serves to help destroy cancer-causing enzymes. Vitamin B17 contained in apricot seeds was originally applied by Australians and Americans as a cancer treatment tool without chemotherapy, and it turns out vitamin B17 is also present in cassava.
  1. Mineral source
    Some important minerals for the body are also present in cassava. Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron and manganese. Cassava also has potassium content in a sufficient level, about 271 mg per 100 grams of cassava. Potassium is an important part of the cells and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure.
  1. Gluten free
    Cassava is one type of food that is gluten-free. Gluten-free foods are safe foods consumed by people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Celiac is a medical condition characterized by damage to the small intestine which causes loss of ability to digest certain nutrients. Damage to the small intestine is caused by a reaction to gluten consumption. For people with celiac, eating foods containing gluten can trigger some side effects such as abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, inhibition of growth in children and often feel tired. In addition to causing side effects as mentioned above, gluten consumption for celiac patients can also cause complications such as osteoporosis, newborn weight below the normal rate and risk of bowel cancer.

That's some of the benefits of cassava for health, but need to be considered when you want to consume cassava because in addition to beneficial, cassava processing methods that are not true and not careful it can cause health risks. Here are some tips to safely consume cassava:

Cassava contains a natural toxic compound called cyanogen linamarin glycoside and methyl-linamarin. Consuming cassava in a raw state can be at risk of poisoning such as stomachache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness and even death (there are several types of cassava with high toxicity / cassava cassava such as purple cassava or commonly called cassava genderuwo.It is advisable not to consume this kind of cassava raw or mature.). In general, cyanide levels in singko


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