Never give up to achieve his goals.
Our journey So long we are together ,, in a hard, happy, quiet changing each other ,, but you, you and you are always there accompany me and we are always together with jokes, laughter, then that is Friendship ,,
I did not think the time was so fast, to separate us, so the sadness came ,,
when you, you and you chase your dreams ,,
not even this taste leave you ,,
One day the news, you need me, because big problems whack ..
It's just that this sense of togetherness always shows how to make you smile ,,
Laughing like before ,, and living life as usual ..
May you hear this whisper of my heart ,,
which I whisper softly in your ears, and your body is limp because of your sorrow ,,
I will always stay with you, and take care of you ,,
because you, you and you are the ones that matter to me ,,
Bird chirp in the morning
As if humming hummously
a heart-conditioning tub
Raga also filled a new spirit
Which once had vanished time
Beautiful ...
That's what I think now
Perfecting in a sacred soul
Coalesce with the morning dew
when the sun began to rise again
My favorite quote

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