in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Thanks to all my dear friends, who have written words of support to me here and in Discord! It's really very important to me cause this support gives us strength to move on.

Officially mourning in Kerch is over, it lasted for 3 days, and these days were really horrible. But in fact it's not over, because such events can't be forgotten ever, and it takes long time for people just to have strength not to think of it.

My brother's son, who was in the college at that black day, is at home already. He had one hard operation in his leg, and some small pieces of glass are still in his hip, but doctors say it's better not to touch them now, they're very deep. and they're afraid to make more hurt than use. Hope it's a right decision...

He has an awful psychological state after the tragedy. He tried to behave as usual, but we all saw he wasn't adequate... Doctors said he had deep shock, and his emotions and reactions weren't normal now, he needs time to return to normal life.. We hope and wait, trying to support him.

I can understand it. I wasn't there, but I watched hundreds of news videos of it trying to understand what happened, and even videos hurted me greatly.
I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, these pictures are in front of my eyes all the time... We all need time to return to normal life...

So what happened?

What does official resources say?

At first they called it "a terroristic attack", but very soon, in some hours, they changed the classification of this crime to "mass murder".


The official story informs that there was only 1 killer, a student of this very college, who revenged to his friends and teachers. He suffered from bullying. He was a child of an unhappy family - parents were divorce. He had bad relationships with his mother who was too religious and strict.
So this boy orfanized and made this horror by himself. He had a documentary permission for having a hunter's gun. He had bought bullets a month ago in advance. There are videos of his "shopping".
Morevoer he created explosives by himself and used them.
After his bloody shooting and explosions he committed a suicide.

This very story is told from all mass-media and social webs.

The officials also made a parallel with the tragedy of Columbine High School massacre in 1999. The script of these events have many similarities. Moreover, killers were dressed in the same way. So officials suggest the version that it was imitation.

There're many people who don't trust the official version, and there're many different opinions about it. I guess debates will be loud for a long time, because this tragedy is the greatest and the bloodiest after the World War II for my city...

At first I was going to add to this post many photos from the place of the tragedy, the photo of the killer himself and all the rest that I found during these crasy days after the tragedy. But now I understand that I can't. Just can't look at them once again...I see them al at once if I close my eyes, so it's too much if I post them here...

Sorry. It's too hard...

Yesterday there was a farewell and funeral of all dead victims of this tragedy. The central square of the city was full of people and funeral procession. There were NO flowers in the city. At all. They all were bought by people to honour the memory of victims.

There is a video in the web. I didn't watch it. I even can't look at photos. Just can't.
Too painful.

Time is the best medicine - people say.
I hope so.

Hope we can move on without fear somewhen. Now it's impossible.
And the life in my city will never be the same like it was before

Now we all try not to think. Not to imagine. it's impossible to forget and delete it from the memory, but at least - not to think of it because otherwise we all are about to become crazy.


How many people were lost in the attack?

23 were killed (and some are still fighting for life in hospitals)
and more than 50 were wounded
and some are just lost..

thank you for repost!

This is terrible.

Wow, @taliakerch, I'm sorry. My condolences to you and your people. I wish you well.

I know a big part of you is shocked and immobilized. But I think another small part is quietly moving, thinking, searching. So I offer this part of you two ideas.

Remember my discovery of the way nature provides to heal from major trauma. It is in your photo above of the girl sitting on the floor and covering her eyes. The instinctive response shows the way through this massive insult to life.

It also looks like an MKUltra attack (mind control). We have had dozens in the US. They all have similar characteristics. For example, did the shooter hear voices in his head? There are weapons that can do this, driving people insane. Did he act weird before or after, disconnected, disoriented, calm? Was he on psychoactive medication? Investigating and understanding what happened is an important part of recovery.

We live in a time of war, not peace as it sometimes seems. In one way we must stop and rest. In another way, we must pull ourselves together and fight. Both ways are out of the ordinary.

Love from Europe.


Terrible news. Please accept our compassion in this delicate time.

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Только время может раставить все на свои места. А пока, лучше всего 1,2 раза всем вместе проговорить ситуацию с братом мужа и больше а дальше пытаться забыть все исключив все, что может напоминать о трагедии. Если через месяц "ШОК" не пройдет есть смысл поискать психолога.

Я надеюсь, что брат вашего мужа найдёт силы, что-бы вернуться к нормальной жизни. Общение с родственниками, которые его поддерживают в трудную минуту это настоящий бальзам для его души.
Я не очень верю в официальную версию случившегося.
Мне кажется этого учащегося, который устроил бойню в колледже кто-то использовал. Пусть следственные органы разбираются в этом инциденте. Я надеюсь, что мы все-таки узнаем настоящую правду.

но мы-то догадываемся что официальная версия мало имеет отношения к реальным фактам...

ой, божечки, бедный мальчик(((
но тело молодое - заживёт, а вот с психикой сложнее, тут поддержка родных и близких нужна и любовь (как бы это сопливо не звучало).

А мы, девушки на всё острее реагируем... лови от меня виртуальные обнимашки

That's so much of a terror 😔
The boy story is little hard to believe but if by any chance if its true then its such a shame to the parents for getting their child to such a stage.
I wish lots of peace and comfort for all of you my dear and may you all get strength to get out of this trauma at the earliest, specially your nephew. He's a very brave boy and I am praying he gets back to normal soon. It would also be important that his leg is treated at the earliest
Love and Hugs