@swap.app is My GOTO ETH Swap for HIVE/STEEM: ETHの交換に最適!
I posted about this @swap.app before...
@swap.app Is The Most Simple STEEM <-> HIVE Swap?
And they made a website https://swap-app.app/
This site itself is not a token swap site. It is more like a tutorial site how to use swap.app type of thing.
What I didn't know about is this 👇
HIVE/STEEM -> ETH swap 🤩 🤩 🤩 (and BTC)
I had to try them.
First! Always check eth gas. https://ethgasstation.info/
(it is just what i do, my habit... i don't want to do anything when gas is too high)
Gas price wasn't too bad so lets go!
You can check the estimate on swap.app website.
For 50 HIVE will get 0.02895 ETH
(is there a minimum amount? i am not sure... 1 HIVE to ETH doesn't sound right, but anyway)
What you have to do is simple. Just go to your wallet and send HIVE to swap.app.
Memo is important. eth and your ETH address like this 👇
I added "#" before eth to encrypt the ETH address.
Hit "OK" and confirm the transaction.
But then I got this error message... I used "Private Active Key" for this transaction but maybe that is not the right key?
Anyway, I removed "#" before eth and it went through.
I thought the swap would take a long time like other token swaps, but it only took about 2-3 minutes! and I got ETH!
Estimate was 50 HIVE -> 0.02895 ETH
And I actually got 50 HIVE -> 0.027 ETH
So it is pretty on point. Very impressive 🤑
Process is pretty much the same.
Estimate 87 STEEM -> 0.048061 ETH
Send STEEM to swap.app
I tried "#eth address" again but I got the same error so I just did "eth address" in the memo and used the "Private Active Key" for the transaction.
Again the transaction went through very quickly and I actually got
87 STEEM -> 0.046 ETH
I think @swap.app is the best STEEM <-> HIVE AND STEEM/HIVE -> ETH swaps!!!
Maybe next time I will try BTC swap and see how it works 🤔
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ETHのアドレスをエンクリプトしたいときには#を付けます。その際にはPrivate Memo Keyを使います。
エンクリプトしなくてもいい場合には#なしで大丈夫です。その際にはPrivate Active Keyを使うようにとの事でした。