'Google Blockchain' and 'Googlecoin'?

in #ethereum7 years ago (edited)

The emergence of Decentralized Ledger Technologies (DLTs) is seeing rife speculation, as investors seek to bet on the next big technology-company explosion. Fair enough too, time and time again we have seen a lucky few allocate a couple dollars to an unknown company, only for it to explode and that couple dollars is now probably worth a couple thousand sometimes far more.

The past, the present, the future


DLT is the acronym which best describes a blockchain, and is an acronym which authorities such as the Australian and International Standards Organization refer to it as. Undergoing mainstream adoption, various DLTs values will rise and expect to see more regulation and organization around the rulesets of how best to apply a DLT to a person’s organization or software capability.

Certainly, large companies have taken initiative to develop private blockchains, we have seen the Lockheed and Martin blockchain come to the fore, and we have seen JP Morgan’s iteration in Quorum , and of course Microsoft Azure being widely reported on.

This can only beg the question, when does mainstream technology companies decide to take part in the public blockchain market?

Google would seem to be the perfect fit for a public blockchain iteration, they have the money, the people and the desire to absorb information on an unprecedent scale. Googles thirst for information and data knows no bounds, only recently we have seen the deployment of ‘captchas’, the standard in bot proofing web portals, but also training the future of A.I . Yep, you read correctly your mouse movements and picture selections is useful data in next-generation A.I.
In this authors opinion, it would be remiss to think that Google would like to miss out on any information and data aggregation, so let us put forth a prediction and discuss;

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Google Blockchain.

• It will be decentralized and mineable, however will initially be launched off its own data centers, and then users can join the network as Google supports it.
• It will have its own ‘googlecoin’, which can be pre-mined and bought – this coin will have other useful features such as the ability to purchase applications and subscriptions from the famed google application store, however it will be the decentralized application store.
• It will most likely be a copy of Ethereum except with googles proprietary additives sprinkled in.
• It will set itself as a blockchain to bet on in a space of volatility.
• It will position itself as the ISO compliant blockchain, which is heavily marketed to western start-ups.
• It will be easy to use and mine, probably with cuckoo-cycle mining, so folks can mine right from the phones, in the much the same fashion as ‘Aeternity’.
The sole fact is, with any technology; automotive, software or in manufacturing there is always multiple suppliers and market competition. The speculation I have provided is just that speculation, but does so to pose an important question;

When does the mainstream technology companies come to the party with a public blockchain for mass consumption?



A big player like Google, will certainly help blockchain revolution to speed up.