lost 40 $ last night trading ETC
that thing was collapsing so i shorted before i lost all my money... dirty poloniex putting etc without warning or notice it caught us by surprise i though i was gonna get rich,,,,....
that thing was collapsing so i shorted before i lost all my money... dirty poloniex putting etc without warning or notice it caught us by surprise i though i was gonna get rich,,,,....
Only risk what you can lose. I am sorry for your loss
ouu if i did not short fast i was gonna lose big ! good think there were people still buying even though i believe etc will grow and compete with eth however if i had buy it from bottom and let it grow it would be different story i bought at the top when it was going down rapidly so i decided to sell and loose 40 before i lost hundreds...
I did the same thing although I bought at 50k-110k wound up losing 200 on it but overall I think the risk was worth the chance it could have been huge though.