Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin advocates for Child Porn!!!! ETH 🔥... Try EOS
Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin advocates for Child Porn!!!! ETH 🔥... Try EOS

Video Summary
In this video I go over how Vitalik Buterin was advocting that Child Porn does no harm anyone or create victims, which is total bullshit.
Yes Heroine is bad and does create victims, but those victims did it to themselves. Child Porn makes innocent children victims, and by possessing it you are creating a market for it which harms more children daily.
I would suggest not investing, using, or helping Buterin in any way shape or form, or his Ethereum Alliance corporate partners. This entire Ethereum to me wreaks of New World Order involvement, just look at the members of the Ethereum Alliance.
Also I would suggest trying EOS which is supposed to wipe out Ethereum and hopefully will. I now fully endorse EOS as an alternative to Ethereum.
I also wanted to address the slanderous attacks against me stating that I am an "Anti-Semite" which is completely bogus. I criticize Zionists who are at the very top of the New World Order Power structure, just under the Jesuits. The Zionists are evil and do incredibly evil things to people in Gaza and Palestine, never mind 9/11 and the USS Liberty and many more atrocities. The Zionists are a political group consisting of many faiths and heritages, not just "Jews", in fact most of the top Zionists are Luciferian, so to say I am an "anti-Semite" because I criticize Zionism is 100% factually inaccurate and is slander and libel. Rothschild is a Zionist, Soros is a Zionist, those are the Zionists and their puppets I expose. They are not the very top of the Illuminati but they are the top puppets of the Jesuits and the Vatican.
Added for CLARITY:
Just want to point this out, HE DID ADVOCATE FOR CHILD PORN.
See the problem is people don't research this themselves, and they only read the info that is spoon fed to them. In the twitter exchange he said this:
Is that enough proof for you? Or do you need more?
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I suggest reviewing my post and the attached video which amazingly directly connects the main voice of EOS (brock) with child sex exploitation too!
I recommend people also watch Nathan Stolpman's report on this:
Will do thanks for dropping this in here.
", and by possessing it you are creating a market for it which harms more children daily."
No, this is nonsense. Mere possessing of information is not creating any market, regardless how sickening the stuff is. Only purchasing is harmful. Vitalik is very logical. The point is that CP is no material but information which can be inflated (copied) infinitely which would rather destroy the market. Or are you suggesting that police authorities are helping to create a market for CP by saving and analyzing such material? Or How about journalists? We are not talking about distribution, which is yet something different.
Prohibition of possession can actually boost the market and hamper the fight against CP production, where the real crime happens. CP can also be used to hack and smear some computer of an innocent and also for blackmail if possession is illegal, which poses an immense power for rough actors. I have no final opinion and I see the problem, but things are not that simple. There were cases where innocent tourists not knowing they carry drugs in their luggage where sentenced to death in some asian countries.
Your and many other comments are hysterical and promote dangerous witch hunt and thought policing.
Vitalik chose CP as the most extreme example to express his point. His only mistake was to expect other people to be as cool minded and logical as he is himself.
there is a big difference between police analyzing and people consuming this content. Would you advocate that it is "ok" to put childporn on steemit "because its cool that police and journalists analyze it"?
I guess we would see a huge wave of Pedophile journalists. Maybe its ok that priests have it because... :D
lol. this is insanity either way you cut it. and tbh id prefer vitalik insert this into the world. I'm even more glad titus brought it up regardless how people feel.
you know why?
cause it got us ALL talking about child porn and how shitty it is that it exists. ;)
Do you actually know the difference between owning and publishing?
"Cool minded and logical" about children being sexually abused on video...
Count me out.
It's interesting how when you rearrange a phrase like "cool minded and logical" to "Cool and Openminded" it means something entirely different, isn't it? Does it just make you feel better about your stance, or do you actually think they mean the same thing?
(I did misread and then misquote, I edited it now)
I wonder if the children who are molested this way, feel any better about people who "simply possess" photos and videos of them being abused, as opposed to people buying it. Maybe they are happier that some folks only have copies of their torture? It would cause them less grief?
I don't know, I wasn't abused as a child. But I'm pretty sure they don't "know" who possesses such material generally, so I don't think they are harmed by it. But it's not relevant to the point I was making. Neither I nor Vitalik is advocating for child pornography, but the author of this post said he was. And then you twist the words of the guy who points this out. Because child pornography is bad, does that mean it's ok to lie about what people say about it?
I cannot be "cool minded and logical" discussing possession of images of tortured children as some lofty debate, saying that's better than doing heroin.
To me it is a very serious issue. I cry for these boys and girls. These are real souls who have suffered tremendously.
Someone doing a drug, is making that choice to put that in their body. These children have no choice. They have no one to be their voices. I am sad I have to even say it, for it should be well understood, there is nothing more evil than raping a child. Trading photos and videos of that evil act around, is totally inexcusable.
Logical discussions about this should only come to one conclusion, that it is wrong for the child porno to even exist. It exists because someone did the act while someone else videoed it, or the person doing the act videoed himself or herself while doing the act.
Logical discussions also should only come to the conclusion that 2+2=4.
But who is denying that 2+2=4? Who is denying that child porn shouldn't exist?
People like you should better cool down your mind before insulting people for things they didn't say.
Yes, it's better to let emotional responses take over when debating serious issues of this type, distort statements made by anyone who dares to mention the subject, attack people's character for daring to use logic in their arguments, etc. Reasoned argument is overrated anyways, and most people are no good at it, so it's hardly fair. This will lead to a better world and you'll stop child porn in no time. /end sarcasm
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And since it's clear you didn't understand his point about heroin, I don't think it was about what damage it does to the taker (I haven't read a lot of Vitalik's writing, but what little I have would strongly argue against that). I'm reasonably sure without further investigation that he's referring to dangers to others that are posed by drug users who don't take proper care to ensure they don't harm others when in an impaired state (e.g. similar to drunk driving).
Possession of child porn obviously means that someone took pictures of whatever act was being photographed. That act of child rape is the source of the photos. Possessing those photos means that you are OK with what happened to that child. Defending someone for "simply possessing the the material" is saying that that the process that the photos came from is OK.
The photos, or videos can't exist without the criminal sex act with a child that the photos or video came from. That's what's wrong with simply possessing the material.
Good that you downvoted this post. Titusfrost is doing all sorts of.. how do you call that?.. trash reporting.
Vitalik Buterin is a sketchy looking dude. He's probably a MK Ultra study. Clearly he is "down" for pedophiles. Nobody and I mean nobody would use "child porn" in any analogy well trying to get a point across. It seems to me like he's slowly hinting what he likes. It's very similar to the way the government/news works.
Many examples are hidden messages in all of Hollywoods bullshit. Who in there right mind would flag this post? Who? This donkey is an absolute pedo. He's telling you he is! Listen to him before this gets out of hand. Do not support these donkeys.
Perhaps ETH is some gov coin. Thanks but no thanks I'm out
These pedos are all over the place... at the top and in control of every industry. No doubt that's exactly how politicians are controlled.
The entire entertainment industry is diseased with this shit. Are you familiar with project monarch?
Yes I am familiar with the monarch project. I also understand their motives (at least I hope I do) and I feel that these Vitalik Buterin tweets are for a reason and on purpose.
I've never liked anything about ETH ever since I heard JP Morgan and Microsoft at all about it with there stupid "Alliance"
It's certainly starting to look that way.
Never a fan of ETH either. EOS will overtake it anyway, but that's a whole other topic.
the fact that Vitalik Buterin doesnt realize that "simply owning" child porn generally equates with "funding" child porn...
wth man? i can't believe he said this! D:
I'm sorry but... f*ck this. He never said or meant that.
(edited because people don't like naughty words... I hope that's the case and they are not downvoting because of an opinion. I say things... calm down... whooosaaah!)
I agree and the disgusting part is that titusfrost is using the issues of child porn and making false accusations to promote himself (and EOS) and try to make more money off the outrage. (he must of learned his emotionally manipulative and greedy bullshit ways from Fox news, etc.) Titusfrost needs to look in the mirror to figure out who the actual immoral person is in this equation. (or maybe just doesn't understand that debates do not equal endorsement of one idea or the other unless EXPLICITLY stated by a specific person in the debate that they personally believe in and personally advocate for one specific side or the other in the debate.)
Oh really go read the tweets yourself. He literally said that possession of child porn should be acceptable.
Even the analogy is fucked up. Voyceatlas, read the whole twitter thread.
@lyndsaybowes @hendrix22 So we just gonna down vote opinions now? Want me to edit my curse word? wtf lol... I don't get it.
Hope it made you feel better :)
We need more people like you on Steemit!

Keep making it awesome!
Probably going to downvote this too...
Wow fake news wonderful. Lol thats what will be the downfall of sites like Steemit is anyone can post anything.
Oh really?
Cause Vitalik did not say this then?
Twitter link to his real profile?
Seriously? You can't find @VitalikButerin on twitter? Also as I STATED int he article, Buterin got embarrassed by what HE SAID and deleted these tweets, so they were archived. I put the link to the archive.
It's sad this made $70 even after blocktrades flagged it. That's just my opinion. There's ppl doing good work that goes unnoticed and this sensationalist dribble makes bank
Just curious, is talking about the attempted normalization of child porno sensationalist?
Isn't this something that should be talked about, especially with all the accusations that have been coming out lately about pedophilia?
Noones normalizing CP, this is taken out of context from what someone else said. The author of this is inferring hes a pedo, that he's advocating for cp because of what was a bad choice of words and a poor analogy. That doesn't mean he's a pedo himself which everyone here is jumping to the conclusion of, just read the comments. The author is playing to people's emotions to draw views. The same tactic alot of the media uses and proof that it works. I can look at his page and see that's what he's all about. Don't think I'm advocating for something sinister I'm just using my rational brain. Look how worked up everyone is and then one person came along with the jam to call him out on it and everyone's in a frenzy. And like I said I think its sad this post got this many views and earned this much when there's posts i bet alot of these ppl passed by that ppl are trying to raise money for sick kids, poor ppl and animals etc and would love just a look and an upvote..
It is all about money !! If they can legalize such practices, they will gain money from Porn video Productions.
imo, they are also trying to normalize it because there are so many people involved with it who hold high office, corporate positions etc. They are trying to lay the groundwork to protect themselves.
This post smells like a god damn propaganda and witch hunt!
That tweet doesnt say he advocates for it and its pulled out of the context.
Im sorry this content is on Steem...
Your comment smells like a butthurt Ethereum fan who just found out the guy making the most money from that scheme IS AN ADVOCATE for CHILD PORN by his own words. You see you came here, saw this post and said, what? Why would I investigate any of this myself when I can leave a stupid comment and be made to look like an ass later? Well if you had clicked on the link to the tweets by Vitalik, you would have seen this in the exchange:
So no this is not a "witch hunt" this is called journalism where I source my facts. Next time check the story out yourself before accusing people of a "witch hunt".
I might be a fan or I might not. Or anything between and you will never know.
On the other hand your post calls "try EOS" on multiple places (I have nothing against EOS and Im invested in it). That leads me to a slight suspicion you might be biased.
I still dont see the advocation. He said "I can argue" not "I believe or I think".
Look, I can argue Vitalik is a child porn advocate or that he runs Eth. in a very uncetralized way and I can agree or disagree with that. The point is I can argue the other side too.
Did you ever try to argue the opposite side of the topic even if you didnt agree with it? Can I argue just for the sake of argument without being marked as an advocate of that thing? .....if not, "bravo" to free speech.
I apologise for my harsh first comment.
I always look at both sides of the argument, and in this case he is just flat out wrong for saying what he did and I am calling him out on it.
Your first comment wasn't too harsh, it was spot on. The twisting of what was actually tweeted to what titusfrost is claiming it means is ridiculous.
How did I twist what he said? Please explain that? @blocktrades?
Just read the top comment on your post by @rapshmelth, it summarized my thoughts pretty well...
I feel the same way about your comment.
Im sorry to hear that. Was I too harsh?
Yes I completely agree, I thought the general consensus was that the mainstream media sucks. So please let's not get all sensationalistic on here as well.
I agree. Another post out of context and pushed only as "news". This is gossip. We should know better, right?
It is not out of context, go read the tweets yourself.