
They would have to gut Ethereum and rebuild it from what I know. Back in the day when Ethereum was built, there was a false notion that having longer block times in the order of minutes meant more security. This concept has been proven false in the last couple years, but Bitcoin and Ethereum are still ideologically married to slow block times.

Really, Dash's team understands the situation just like Dan's team does... for networks to work as well as they should, you need a select group of servers providing the backbone of the network as efficiently as possible. They need to be servers tied into internet backbones, with low latency, and system requirements. This backbone needs to confirm transactions in under a few seconds.

Ethereum just wont take that path for ideological reasons. Also, if they tried, they'd probably have another alt-coin on their hands and a lot of complaints from people who fail to understand what is going on.

Isn't "a select group of servers" a centralizing aspect? Which would also increase single point(s) of failure?