Ethereum alternatives, THERE ARE ALTERNATIVES?

in #etherum8 years ago

Are there any Programmable networks as ethereum’s platform? do they fulfill the needs they built for? Do these networks state its true market place?

Are there any alternative programmable networks as ethereum ? Let’s take a look over the market of cryptocurriencies specially those in similar way and in terms of storing, and executing decentralized programmable code blocks that kind of platforms that promises to solve a huge amount of real life problems in science, health and economy, on of these platforms to be included in our study is RSK a platform that implemented as an open source ware waiting for developers to ride on, and it also rewards the Bitcoin miners via merge mining and pushing them to engage in smart contract industry that by its rule paves the way for participants (business partners) directly connecting to each other without third party and conducting theoretically any type of businesses that depends on trust less protocols, on the contrary of other programmable networks RSK functions on Bitcoin ecosystem, where smart contracts implemented near instant payments, and also enjoy a higher-scalable network, it uses Bitcoin as a coin instead of using its own coin, its a Bitcoin blockchain application implementing smart contracts rather than an independent network like etherum one, but that has its advantage points.

lisk is a public blockchain platform provides decentralized blockchain applications building capability, lisk code base was originally forked from other projects like this one Crypti project, it started firstly by collecting about 750 BTC to develop a blockchain application platform,and it has a very strange story, as at the end of Crypti project they developed a code base that used as a very good starting for the lisk project.

another project answering the above question and showing a case of being alternative to ethereum programmable networks is eris but keep in mind that “Decentralized” doesn't mean necessarily mean “public” monax is the company behind eris its an open platform for developing, run and ship blockchain-based apps enjoying supply chain management and supply chain certification where there cryptographically verifiable chains of custody besides all there are services like asset servicing and asset origination which starts by automating the life cycle ans reducing operation risk ans simplify record keeping the company keeps behind eris’s back thats would encourage questioning the main purpose of decentralized technologies to publicize networks but lets take another closer look to the rule of the company behind eris, Monax is offering learning and experimental support for building decentralized applications as its known how much complexities faces programmers and your developing team thats where Monax’s engineers rule they can helping reducing the development amount time, one of Monax’s packages is premium support component they offers you and your development team to ask their engineers about anything due to 2 business days, keep in mind there is no problem in decentralized non public blockchain applications building platforms threy have there advantages as their disadvantages.

finally at conclusion the right question to be asked is whether there are any programmable networks work as decentralized application development platform and not suffering scalability and other security problems facing such platforms that uses full turing programming languages which by its rule also powers smart contracts that exchanges asset values over internet without the need of third party but on the other hand never forget that such full turing programming languages also have gaps
that allowing hacker and malicious users to counterfeit systems build on smart contract as in case of lisk its programming language java script its described as weak typed languages, also ethereum and the DAO incident, as you can see its not that promising as it was thought in programmable networks it was thought that ethereum which represents the world’s first computer its price must be doubled ed by recent time and hits Bitcoin price if not exceeds, again its both scalability and security problems that rein programmable networks to state its true market place the recent ecosystem is not that sustainability.


Great post, thanks for the follow , followed you right back