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RE: European Madness

in #eu5 years ago

(...) at least equal to what Nazis have been during WW II or when fact and science is no more a prove but propaganda is (...)

That is LITERALLY how this is AT THIS VERY MOMENT in 21st century Europe...

EU institutions ARE COVERING UP jus cogens crimes – medical experimentation / procedures performed WITHOUT consent... denying verifiable scientific evidence, including 9 reports from 8 different medical professionals, forensic evidence, and tenths of other documents which prove this...

Recently, package with all relevant documentation sent to the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) was tampered with, documents removed, then decision issued claiming that because those same documents are missing complaint is not admissible -- see this infographic for quick overview: ... for more info see:

Recent call with the European Ombudsman (, recorded on July 24 2019:

I will greatly appreciate your help in sharing this further, more ways to help are listed @

