Your Body Talks to You - Do You Listen and Flow Or Ignore and Struggle?

in #extraordinary2 years ago

There is an extraordinary two-way communication going on between your mind and body. It affects both your physical and emotional health.

You can be more vibrant and healthy by listening to what your body is telling you. It’s an invaluable source of information that can’t be replicated by lab tests or books.

Your body is sending you signals and messages all the time, it's just a matter of knowing how to listen and flow with what your body has to say. This can be a challenging task, but it's one that can lead to significant benefits in your mind and body.

One of the best ways to accomplish this is by practicing mindful listening, an activity that involves focusing on the present and avoiding distractions. This can be done by sitting in a meditation pose, putting away distracting objects or moving to a quieter location. It also requires that you be aware of your breath to keep it in the background as you listen to your body's many cues.

Identify your core message, which sums up the essence of your business and the people you serve. This will help you and your team consistently communicate your unique position in the world – which has a huge impact on whether people stick with you or go with a competitor.

Depending on your audience, you may want to add one or more “message pillars” that further substantiate your primary message. They can be the key benefits you offer, your solution to a problem, or reasons why they should believe what you’re saying.

Once you’ve identified your core message, make sure that everyone knows it and lives it. This will ensure that your messaging is consistent, easy to understand, and effective at getting you results. Then, use it to guide your marketing efforts. Your customers and your company will thank you! Start today. Join over 135K readers getting the The Manual in their inbox every Wednesday.

When you have a clear understanding of your body's "body talk," it will make your life easier. And it will help you prevent depression and other mental health problems that often come with chronic illness.

Whenever you're feeling unclear, ask for guidance and watch for signs and synchronicities to come your way. This will encourage your guides to send more messages so that you can move forward in your life.

Sometimes, you won't get the exact sign that you ask for. But that's ok!

You will get what you need to make the right decision or take the next step. And it may come in the form of a memo you find in passing, an overheard conversation or something else.

When you ask for guidance, remember to trust that the Universe has your back and is guiding you in the best way possible. And that the guidance you receive is always better than what your ego wants.

Your body is a great source of guidance and inspiration. The trick is to listen and flow with it. When you do, you will experience a more vibrant life.

You may not be able to avoid every bump, bruise and pain, but you can do things like reduce stress and increase exercise. And when you get serious about listening to your body, you can even change the way you eat and sleep.

To really make it work, you have to pay attention to your body's messages and act on them quickly. That's where bodymind listening comes in – the practice of paying attention to your body's subtle signals and translating them into actions that are right for you. It can be a tough thing to do at first, but with time and practice, it is one of the most rewarding experiences you will have. The results can be life-changing. For more information, check out my book: Your Body Talks to You.