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RE: New Facebook Page STEEMIT NEWBIES Launched To Help Facebookers Switch To Steemit

in #facebook8 years ago

Fantastic initiative!
I have a few friends on FB who have been pestering me to give them a breakdown of what Steemit is all about. Among my FB friends I have gained the reputation for telling the truth and "how it is", and so they trust my opinion.
So I tell them they should just join and they will not regret it. However, such is the power of the FaceBook algorithm bubble, that they feel scared of bursting this bubble. So they are either skeptical, nervous or hesitant of change.
People are creatures of habit.
I will surely directall I know on FB to this newby page.
I am still battling with myself if I should write a post an explanation anyway?
The only reason why I dont is because I hate the idea of putting content on FB. Steemit has done that to me, lol!
Another factor that I think will be Steemits biggest problem is.. Ease of use.
I find Steemit easy to use but it took a bit of work and patience to feel comfortable, and even then I still made mistakes weeks later. The concept is so revolutionary that at first you are overwhelmed a little. After while and we become used to the platform is is easy to forget this. Like when we first get in a car to learn to drive. At first, 5mph feels like 50mph, but then after while we forget how nervous we were at the beginning.
At the moment FBs tools are very easy to understand and to use. Anyone can begin posting and interacting on FB within minutes. Even the most stupid person can use facebook. This is a huge advantage and as we know this is largely why FB has grown so big and so fast. Steve Jobs knew this.and Zuckerberg knows this. Ease of use is vital for success.
Developers are geniuses at making the cogs inside the clock work in perfect synchronization, but I hope when the changes come they also make the front of the clock look amazing so that people want one next to their bedside.
Amazing work that you do @stellabelle and your back ground is obviously a big help.


Steemit really does need a Steve Jobsy-type person to make a big impact. Maybe that person will arrive, or make him or herself known. I think many of us forget that Steemit is a start up and it's bootstrapping its growth. That is a weird concept to most people. You could share the Steemit Newbies page in a post on facebook, so that your curious friends could dabble. I enjoy using all the social tools at my disposal. We are all so spoiled! I can't quit facebook because it's my rolodex and also my photo cloud storage provider.......i have a huge photo archive in there...
thanks for your kind words.
There's a joke that Gavin Andresen said along the lines of "Engineers making tools for other engineers only makes a lot of regular people unhappy."

Well Steemit has captured me now for sure. Today I spent an hour or so just going though the introduceyourself tab and writing "warm welcome to Steemit etc" to many newcomers because this one one of the things that impressed me when I joined. It is such a simple thing but a powerful and one.
It reminds me of how John Lennon fell in love with Yoko Ono. She was an artist having an exhibition in London and she grabbed John at a party and took him to her gallery in the middle of the night. When he went in he saw a step ladder in the middle of the room. He looked up and saw a magnifying glass hanging from the ceiling. He went up the ladder took hold of the magnifying glass and looked up again. He saw a tiny piece of paper glued to the ceiling and used the magnifying glass to be able to read it. It simply said: YES.
Later John said; "Well at least it was positive" lol.
Even so it obviously made a huge impression on him for him to remember it in such detail.
First impressions you know!
I probably will put something on Fb with the newby link.
I had to laugh - I also use FB for a cloud database too lol.
Only thing its good for 😀
Keep up the good work @stellabelle you are an inspiration!

Thanks! Great story too! I love weird, odd things like that in life. Keeps the mysterious part of living alive. Thanks for sharing the link with newbies! They do need our support.

All of your insights are spot on!