Why Doesn't Someone Just Clone the OG Version of Facebook?
I used to like Facebook. Until they went crazy - Charles Barkely
I remember when they started adding in "fancy stuff". Extra apps, and the Harbinger of the Apocalypse Bejewelled. I thought "they no different than Digg, MySpace, and the rest of "improved" internet sites". When I could no longer log into "Facebook Lite" I thought "yeah - this may end up being ephemeral."
Which sucks.
I think I haven't been on Facebook in the year 2018. Mainly because I know what I'm seeing is now artifice: what their A.I. guided algorithms want me to see. And in turn, what I write is being shaped and psychometric-ed into oblivion.
I'm just blathering on because I really see no reason why someone couldn't just make a "Facebook Lite" version of it - name it "Visage Tome" (well, maybe not...). No add-in apps, no privacy invasion, just the message board aspect and likes. Simple. I bet right now if done right, one could get half the Fb flock to jump ship - which would equal more than a metric frak ton of potential ad revenue.