Stop whining about Facebook and Cambridge Analytica

in #facebook7 years ago

It's a bit disconcerting to see what people say and do when it comes to their privacy. Facebook's business model is to sell your activity data and profile, if you didn't realize that, you need some help with critical thinking - it is beyond obvious and they state as much outright.

Whose responsibility is it to control the personal data that's out there? Yours! YOU can completely control the data you broadcast, who you share it with, when you share it, on what platforms, what networks you use and so on. YOU have control.

So let's not look around for scapegoats, or whine about how Facebook should be regulated. And for some perspective this is far, far less intrusive data collection and profile building than what goes on with Comcast and Verizon - their activities are far more dangerous and hostile to the legitimate privacy rights of ordinary people. So if you didn't raise hell about net neutrality, don't start complaining now about your privacy. Take some responsibility for your actions people!