Faerie Friday February 14, 2020

in #faeriefriday5 years ago

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. I wish you all great love and joy on this day. Make sure that you take a moment for self-love too. It’s something that we don’t always think of on days like today which has become a holiday for couples. Take that moment to do something for yourself too.

For today’s card pull, I am using the Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud with text by Jessica Macbeth. This is a single card pull since it is an oracle deck. If you like this deck you can get it for yourself. Just click on the picture below.

What do the Fae want me to share?


Today’s card is number 33 - Faeries of the Future
Be Her NOW. Guidance. Moving forward.

The Gnome of Now at the top of the card looks both ways simultaneously, something that would give a human a crick in the brain if he tried it. However, the gnome has no particular problem with this, as faeries always have a sliding sense of past, present, and future. Anna, in the center, steps boldly forth, pregnant with possibilities and carrying the hazelnut that grants wisdom. Puggi, above he, crouches ready to take off and rush ahead just as soon as she is sure what direction they are going, while the frog above her waits, hoping to be kissed, just to see what will happen. Amalatheia, on the left, hesitates momentarily, not sure she is dressed properly or has her hair done right for the occasion. Nearly everyone looks to the future with cheerful optimism.

For all of Anna’s bold stepping forward, if you look closely you can see that she has her eyes on the wise Gnome King at the lower left. He seems sure of the way to go. He is relying on his gut sense to guide him knowing that this is his magic and it will serve him better than logic in the unknown future. Being a gnome, a son which is what it takes to have trustworthy gut feelings. Anna, being wise, or at least very nearly so, trusts him in this. Of course, she hasn’t considered that where he wants to go may not be where she would like to be. Fortunately, he has considered that and is pointing her in the right direction.

The pleasingly plump gnome lady admiring the Gnome King from her mushroom hopes to be invited on the journey, though she would do better to invite herself, like all the others, instead of waiting. The old Oak Man in the lower right is firmly rooted in the present and has no desire to travel in space. His journey is through time only, as he contemplates the wisdom of stillness and deep roots. He is contented, serene, and wise because this life suits him, and he has learned to make the best of what he has. He is happy to watch the other faeries pass by. It suits him, but this is not a way most faeries and humans usually choose to live.

Both humans and faeries are constantly adventuring into the future, being carried there by Old Father Time and Earthmother, acting hand in hand. Even the galaxies spin into the future, creating strange effects and relationships between time and space and light. He who hesitates doesn’t get lost - he gets dragged along, will he, nill he, bumping bruisingly behind the rest. He might as well get up and hustle along too - it’s ever so much nicer a way to travel.

These faeries are on an exciting journey to co-create the future with the universe, just as we are. They greet each rising dawn and each rising moon with unconditional and expectant gratitude. Join them.

Brian writes, “These are the faeries of a bright future and are essential companions on any journey. When these faeries appear, it is time to consider where we have been and where we wish to go.” There are many opportunities, many potentials, but we must choose a path and then take realistic, practical steps to bring the desired future into being. This is not a time to wait for things to come to us, but to step forward boldly to meet them. We may do this alone, if we wish, or in the company of those who share our goals and dreams.

There is so much going on in this card. That being said I feel like it is clear that you have to just move forward. This isn’t the time to be the Old Oak Man who just watches things pass by. For even when you are standing still Old Father Time and Earthmother keep us moving. We have things that are changing right now all around us even at the microscopic level. I feel like this card is telling us to don’t get swept away. Choose your path and move on it.

As for myself, this is showing me that I need to move forward and not sit back and hope that change will just happen. I need to be the one to make the changes that I wish to happen in my life. I will no longer sit back but work to make my dreams come true.

Are you moving forward or are you like the Old Oak Man who watches? Do you have something that you need to pursue? What are you waiting for? I’d love to hear about it.

I hope that this reading has been helpful to you all. Please let me know if it has impacted you in any way. I’d love to hear from you. While doing this reading I am was listening to Spotify playlist Faeries: The Seelie Court. You can find me on Spotify under amrauthor. I hope you enjoy the music.

May your stars shine brightly upon you.