The joy of being a child

in #faith6 years ago

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Children love the sea, and they love water, playing with the sand -- basically, children have such joy, while we adults worry too much. I have often brought my children to the Tanjung Aru beach to enjoy the sun, the sand and the water. It is always wonderful to hear their chatters and laughter. They have no worries, whatsoever, and it is a wonder, this faith that they have that everything will work out fine in the end.

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I practically had an empty pocket when I brought them here, not that it mattered at all, as you can see from their happy faces. Fortunately, I had sandwiches packed from home and bottled water for them to drink. I had towels and extra clothes for them to change into after all the fun.

kids27may07 095.jpgWhen I look at the way we adults view the world, I wish we could go back to our childhood where we put our full trust that all will be well, eventually. We need to have our children's perspective and joy. Worrying too much brings anxiety, hypertension, heart disease and unhappiness, anyway.

kids27may07 044.jpgSo let's go back to the old days, those happy old days where we can blow bubble balloons and have fun doing it. As we enter adulthood, there are things we think of as a waste of time, blowing bubble balloons are one of them. But look at the joy in a child's eye -- we have forgotten our own joys and concentrate mainly on things that make us worry (whatever that may be) and not enough time to enjoy ourselves after a hard day at work. Don't you think that after all that hard work, you don't need a break and listen to the chirping of the birds, the quacking of ducks, or if you're living in the city, the sight of the blue horizon beyond?

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Lets go back to those old days when we held hands with our parents, where we say prayers with them before bedtime, where we go for happy trips together or just share a sandwich or coffee. Whatever it is, even in the darkest of days, surely there were moments in our childhood that brings ray of sunshine into our lives. Let's remember those days and forget the gloom, even just for a second or a minute.