RE: Why I Believe The King James Bible Version Is The Preserved Word Of God (Youtube Link)
Okay... but any so called book read by man was created by man as a book called the Bible was not written by any so called "God" but a (group of) human(s). Man inspired man. I see no reason for man to discredit himself. All the words are of man and in the language of man. "Jesus Christ" is very misunderstood. God's Word has NOT always been here even before us as so called came many years after man came into being... Man was around before the idea of any "God".
It is an English translation, yes, but "God" is not a translation it is a replacement of any Hebrew word before which was omitted and not appropriate and far from precise. The only possible one and only would be the primal god which is unknowable and un-explainable. Also there are like 288 gods which is far from one. There is too much disagreement for anyone's so called "God" to be true as I find those who mention the term "God" never actually define the word "God" and think this is another problem that shows more misunderstanding. This is also true of a lacking of defining "Jesus / Christ"
I expect to be fully disagreed with as usual...
We can definitely agree to disagree and I respect your response and can see why you have beliefs I once had but no longer. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour and the world shall hate and persecute me for my faith and allegiance.
You save you not Jesus Christ. CHRIST is so much more than practically anyone seems to realize.
You are your lord and savior, not someone/anyone else...
We can agree to disagree, I do not see life through your world view. I appreciate your response but that simply is not truth in my life here in this existence, given and gifted to me by the Heavenly Father. I shall die and be resurrected with life everlasting, and you too also have that available to you if you're willing to accept the free gift when you choose to have a relationship with our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ. Nothing you say can change my mind about that. I have defeated real devils and demons of supernatural power who attacked me in the physical manifestation in the name of Jesus Christ. You have done nothing for me in such a way to change my stance other than tell me that I am my own God, the same words Lucifer the serpent told Eve which deceived both Eve & Adam out of the Garden of Life. I do not agree with your views. We can agree to disagree and keep living life. Thanks again