Faithful Acres Books & Author Services : Our Past to Our Present

in #faithful4 years ago (edited)



Well, it is true that right now Faithful Acres Books is an online influencing & review site, we started out our adventure as a used homeschool & bookstore that I ran from home starting about 23 years ago! This is my 33rd year of homeschooling my children, this year I am homeschooling my youngest, dear son who is 12 1/2 this year! I want him to enjoy reading as much as I do, but at present, he is more into techy stuff!

As a child, I never learned to read until 3rd grade, but once I did, I never stopped. I learned speed reading while in school at a private Baptist church school and learned to love Christian fiction from a young age (Sugar Creek Gang) and my mom bought me Joni Erickson Tadas first book about her diving accident (it really changed the way I saw things in life, no challenge was too large as long as one had the Lord Jesus). 30 years ago, I was reading whatever authors I could find at our local libraries, Janette Oak, Wanda Brunstetter, Beverly Lewis, Lauraine Snelling, and Marian Wells... I guess for the most part I fell in love with Historical Fiction & Amish/Mennonite Fiction then and I still love it today.

Several years ago, I joined a giveaway for Murray Pura’s Book “ The Face of Heaven” as I read Murray's book it touched my heart. Once you have lived among the plain folks (Plain Christians, Old Order Amish or Mennonites ) your world and how you see things just change. For me, I learned so much about others, about myself and about who the Lord God expects us to be on the inside and on the outside. Some of the ways others taught (expecting outward change even without the inward heart change) really bothered me. I knew a loving God and that his Son Jesus, had come to earth, grew up here and died for my sin and the sins of others, being hung on a cross to die for my sin. But so many out there do not know Him, nor do they have a relationship with Him... I had an ache in my heart to share that with the world... because just like in Murray's book “ It’s not all about being Plain “ (Dressing a certain way, Living a certain way, It's not in what you drive or in anything you could do) All those things will not save you from an eternity in Hell. Only Repentance, Belief in Jesus death on the cross for you and that he is who he said he is (He is God himself, who was born of a virgin, died on the cross, Risen again, Sitting at the Right-hand side of his Father, Interceeding for you and for many) Knowing and Believing is what saves you... Accepting his Shed Blood on Calvary for the payment for your Sin ( Wrongdoings) is what saves you... It is up to you to accept or reject His Free Gift of Salvation! And many reject Him and His Love Daily... It is very sad...

I accepted Jesus as my Savior at the age of 6, its been a long road... each day is a day of striving to live and walk with him... to walk in holiness... to be sanctified through Him...

It’s not I said a prayer and I am forever saved no matter what I do...It is I truly want to please him in all I do and say in this life.

I started writing myself as a teen, I wish I had saved everything I did write in those years, but it was lost. Today I write poetry and I am working on my own books. I also have a love for and majored in Art & Business. I have many loves in this life... but whatever I do and whatever I read, it is and has to be to glorify Him.

So, you will find me sharing on my website
Faithful Acres Body Soul Spirit
Faithful Acres Books (Coming Soon! )

As to Books, my Policy is that I get a copy of the said book in paperback and a kindle copy if available. I rarely do a review for only a kindle copy alone. I try to really get to know the Authors I work with. I, for the most part, work independently and directly with these Authors and I have gotten to know so many wonderful Authors and others who Influence or Review in the World of Books.

I may hope and prayer is that everyone who reads my thoughts on Books and Life will be blessed...
Linda Marie

You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Linkedin, and several other Social Platforms!
Yes, I do influence more then those genres, so be sure to share what you write and ask if I would am interested in your books! I have influenced others in Fiction, Non-Fiction, Health, Self-Help, Resource & Homeschooling, as well as Business, Leadership & Motivational, Movies!
I do Featured Author Spots & Giveaways!
Also Product Reviews!
I have 7 years of experience working with Best Selling Authors.
I Offer Services & Advice to Authors (New & Experienced) in the following areas:
Beta Reading
Street Team
Artwork (Majored in Art & Business)
Marketing Advice
My services are offered at reasonable rates, that even new Authors can Afford!
Contact Me Today and Let Me Know Your Needs... I am here to serve you!
Linda Marie
Faithful Acres Books & Author Services


Sounds like a great service for an author looking to get started.