Like CNN - Keep probing 'til you find a Hot Spot

in #fakenews7 years ago (edited)

There are two parallel Truth/Untruth wars going on now. One is based on bellowing an UnTruth - the Russia/Trump fairy tale that CNN just can't let go of. The second is putting up a smokescreen around the Inconvenient Truth that a lot of people that we have placed trust in, are involved with child trafficing and the Washington scandal know as PizzaGate and the International extension of this called PedoGate.

I wrote an essay once, inviting my readers to hold up their arm, and to poke at it repeatedly with the other hand. It sounds silly, perhaps annoying, but there is a lesson here - Healthy tissue doesn't mind being handled. Honest businesses welcome a fair audit. Transparent governments and enterprises don't mind getting a little light shone in dark places. There is nothing to hide - the structure is healthy.

Now, picture that your arm is injured, maybe from a raging infection, or torn open from a nasty fall and broken bone. Everything is tender. That same gentle touch now evokes a stream of cussing, a pull back and maybe a defensive action. Same acion, very different response. That idea of injured or infected tissue is like a government or business that has secrets - something to hide. A small gesture or inquiry produces a disproportionately large response. The dysfunctional arm makes the toucher feel like you did something wrong, whereas the actual problem lies within.

You get it. I get it. We've seen this response and denial all of our lives as simple questions to a child whose mouth is smeared with chocolate, produce a full frontal denial about even knowing of the existance of the cookie jar.

CNN just can't let go of the false narrative about Russia. In a bombshell video released by Project Veritas in late June, 2017, CNN Producer John Bonifield was caught on a hidden camera admitting that the network’s narrative about President Donald Trump being involved with Russia is “mostly bullshit,” and admitting that instructions to spread the fake news comes straight from their CEO, Jeff Zucker.

If I were that kid with the cookie crumbed face, I'd hope that the story died. But CNN dug in and decided to do a frontal assualt on free speech by contacting and scolding the Reddit user who produced a gif of Trump wrestling with an opponent whose face wielded the CNN logo.

The fact that President Trump and CNN are sparring is certainly a part of mainstream American Political Awareness. No big news flash there. And CNN has certainly taken their first amendment rights of free speech to a new extreme, in their overt disdain of everything Trump. But, as the recipient of a light dose of the vitriol that they routinely deal out, they declared the process unfair. With tides turned, CNN pulled the Bully card out. They agreed to withhold the identity of the Reddit user who produced the animated gif, only if he agreed to apologize and stay out of the free speech, political commentary business. After all, who is this little guy moving in on the disinformation pros, like CNN. The nerve.

May this all come forward to further decimate their ratings and cement the public's accurate perception of CNN as a purveyor of spun news, without basis in fact, that is, as promised, "mostly bullshit."

So the Russia story loses thunder, as it should. I'm getting some extra popcorn and waiting for the Real News Main Feature, which is America's natural reaction to the expose that a quarter of our politicans and media heroes are unclean in the pedophilia and human trafficing business.

You see, the American people are pretty numb about financial scandals and political misdeeds. There have been greedy politicians and dishonest politicians since elected and appointed leaders first took the government idea out for a spin, 4 or 5 thousand years ago. Government attracts people who mishandle power and money. Nothing new there.

The Feature Film I'm waiting for this summer is when we get to see how rampant child trafficing and child molestation is among our "Virtuous Leaders". That's where the fun begins. We have a certain tolerance for graft and greed and ego. Not many of us, though, have any patience for abusing and screweing around with innocent children. We're jaded with the backroom financial stuff. We're going to get Viscerally Pissed though, about child abuse and human trafficing. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few new laws promoting public hangings for pedophiles.

So, the "mostly bullshit" about Russia will have the air taken out of its sails, and we'll let Russia roll off our shoulder like the death and disability disclaimers on TV for new pharmaceuticals.

But, Pedophilia is a fresh, new insult on our senses that crosses a new line. That's the summer news story that I'm waiting for - to wake up and unite all Americans; every gender, every race, every orientation, every religion. No One tolerates adults who know better, fucking with our children. It will draw us together and make us whole again, as we clean up this big mess once and for all. The emerging, evolving pedophilia story is Real News, and it is a lapse of trust and morality that will incite and unite us all.


Yes Never give up om your dreams :-)