FATHERS DAY FOR ME (with presents for you)

in #family6 years ago

Normally every year for holidays I give my son, Evan, money and send him with his mom to buy presents for the people he loves.

This includes Father's day. So when he woke up yesterday and realized that his mom would not be here to take him shopping for me, he was hurt.

He didn't let on to it or say anything, but I could tell by his demeanor and the way he was acting that something was wrong. From his short answers to me and his attitude, I knew something was amiss.

I tried talking to him to raise his spirits and to get him to talk but he wasn't having it. I decided to let him watch some T.V. to see if it would help change his mood.

After a half hour of that, out of the blue, he made the comment that he was sorry he wouldn't be able to get me something for father's day. He said, "mommy's gone and I can't get you anything for today."

I went to him and engulfed him in the biggest daddy's hug I had ever given and told him it was going to be alright.

I said that he would go with Katie, my girlfriend, to get a present. I could tell he was still sad due to his mom missing out of the picture. So I told him I would go too, but that I would not look at what he got me until it was time for me to open the present.

This seemed to make it all better. So we got our things together and away we headed. It didn't take him long to pick out what it was he was wanting to get me, so we were back home shortly.

Here's where I got to cry my eyes out because he is so sweet. His first present he wanted me to open was this.


A "number 1 dad" puppy stuffed animal.

Then on to the next,


a shirt that I got to wear the whole day, that let everyone know who my favorite kid was.😀

Then I opened the card he got me. It was a sweet and loving card to begin with...but the words he wrote with this own thoughts broke my heart and made my day at the same time. I knew as he wrote the words, his thoughts were on his mom, as much as me.


As I opened the card and read the words inside, my heart broke as I read the words of love written to me, that also echoed the sadness of a little boy missing his mom.


I embraced him and held him as tight as I could. I told him that I love him and reassured him that I will always be here for him. He really is the sweetest little boy. Yeah, he's tough on the outside. But inside, he is a ball of love and emotion.

I also received some clothes(that I needed desperately) from my girlfriend and another card that made me cry my eyes out.


Later in the day, my oldest daughter Abby and her boyfriend stopped by to give me their presents. While it was tough, I managed to hold my tears back(I didn't want to be crying in front of her boyfriend) First, I opened the card.



Then I opened their present. I loved it so much. It was a picture frame and a wonderful piece of home decor. She has always been so thoughtful and loving.


So, how was everyone else's father's day? Could you take a second to share what you received and maybe a story? Leave me a picture below of what you or any father in your life received as a present and I'll send a present to you for sharing.

On a sadder note, my middle child, Aaliyah, did not contact me. She and I recently had a small falling out. A simple disagreement that she is holding on to. I hope and pray that eventually she will find forgiveness in her heart and we will be back on course. Until then, I feel it's best to give her her space. I love you Aaliyah forever.


So nice presents! Happy fathers day!

Thank you. Do you celebrate father's day?

Here in Spain we celebrated it 19 of march!

Were you able to have an enjoyable father's day?

My father lives a little far of me so... It will be wonderful to have him with me anywhere ❤️

Awee. That is so sweet :) Evan is really so sweet. Hehe. :) I love that stuffed toy. It looks so cuute. :) I haven't gotten anything for my dad :( But, i gave him a mug that we personalized. :) Though it was given to all the dads at church, i was one of the people who really made ab effort and worked hard for it. Oh by the way, here it is :)IMG20180608215104.jpg

I love it! What's your dad's favorite kind of drink? Thank you for sharing. How is everything in your life going?

He loves coffee :D I thought of givibg him a card as well but i got shy. Haha :D But i wrote a letter for him here. He might not be able to read it anyways. Lol :D

Ohh everything's doing fine. Just really busy these days becauze we have a lot of activities at church and i will be starting a new job by wednesday :D How about you? :)

Doing pretty good. It's been a rough ride for us(especially Evan) since his mom went into drug rehab. He really is lost at times. It's hard. Really hard. To watch him hurt as bad as he does. It takes it's toll. Other then that all is going very well. What is your new job you have?

Ohhh, i'm sorry to hear that. :( I hope everything goes well. I could feel how painful that is. It really hurts seeing a kid as young as he is getting hurt like that. :(

Ohh, i will be assigned as a librarian in a school and will also be teaching as well. :) The pay isn't good though but, i am just doing this as well to gain experience so i can reapply for a real teaching job and have a good salary. Hehe :)

Good for you!!! And congratulations!!! It's a stepping stone to bigger and better things for you. We have to start at beginning before we can finish in first. I will be praying for continued blessings for you and all of your family and friends.

You were the only one to respond with a picture of a Father's Day present. There for you one, obviously. I didn't feel it was necessary to make a post about the payout so I went ahead and just wired you the money for your winnings. I also, gave away a 1SBD share to @dustsweeper in you name.

Oh wooow!!! That is so nice of yoou. Thank yooou sooo muuuuuch :)

You are more then welcome. Thanks for sharing.

Judging by what your children got you, and especially by the feelings they expressed in their own words on the cards, you are truly a fantastic father, John!

Since I don’t have any children of my own, I hadn’t even noticed that it was Father’s Day yesterday. And since we don’t have this day in Russia, I didn’t contact my dad to wish him a Happy Father’s Day (I did talk to my parents the day before on Skype, though).

But I did get a comment from you wishing me a happy Father’s Day yesterday. :D And, although I don’t deserve it, I am still thankful that you thought of me. It looks like you had a wonderful Father’s Day yourself!

Yes it was wonderful. Sorry for sending you father's day wishes. For some reason I thought you had a kid. But thank you for your kind words. Some day you will have some kids and they will have the most wonderful dad! You are a great person and I am thankful to have you as a friend. Thanks for all that you do.

Happt Father's day John, what a thoughtful son you have. I received a gift card to the hardware store, a book and 2 bags of candy. I already finished the black licorice (I'm a big fan). You are one of the most generous people I know. I was wondering if you would take a look at a fundraiser post I am doing for two Venezuelen users. I only have 2 users so far competing for 5 prizes, so I am hoping to get some more attention. Anything you could do would be awesome. It is my most recent post. Thanks!

Of course I'll help. I haven't even checked it out, but coming from you, I know the cause is worthy. I will resteem you here at my place and also using my NRD account privledges.


Can I ask you for some help also? Do you know what Steemauto is?
And happy Father's day to you my dear friend. I'm glad you had a good day.

I just knew how sweet Evan is and your eldest daughter too. I see you had a wonderful day.

Don't worry about your other daughter she will surely get back to you with a forgiving heart. You are her father and she is your daughter no matter what.

I haven't had a present from my kids but all of them greeted me through messenger, those warm greetings proved that I'm blessed for having them as my kids who love and respect me even if I'm far from them.

Thanks for your encouragingand uplifting words friend. How are the plans for reuniting your family going? I'm glad you at least got to be in touch with them.

I will file my resignation end of this month and hopefully be able to go home end of July. I hope everything will be fine as I haven't talk to my manager yet regarding my plan although verbally he knows that I want to go home soon.

Will you have a job when you return home, even if it pays less then you make now? And I will talk with our creator to ask for guidance and his favor over you and your family. Also, I will always be here to help you. So if you ever need it please call on me. Do not ever hesitate my dear friend.

Thank you very much my friend. More than anything else I need prayers for guidance and more blessings, I will do my best to find a job for I need to help my wife support the whole family. I also plan to go back to school still praying....

Wow, such a nice kid. So happy you still have him around and he's happy now despite the challenges.

My regards to others who also showed some love to you. What a day it was.

Thanks for your kind words friend. I how you had a wonderful weekend.

Yea, I had a fabulous weekend. Just finished the artwork I have been working on for over a week.

Good deal. I'm glad for you. Is it your 2pac drawing? I love 2oac. A great visionary with a lot of love for his family. And a very faithful friend from what I understand. Plus he talked about very important issues that a lot of others were afraid or refused to talk about.

Yea you are right. He had a tough life while growing up and most often he usually use his music to depict his experiences.

We don't celebrate Father's Day until Spetember down here...so I'll have to wait and see what my daughter decides to do....

And that post choked me up a bit. You have a very special young man there

Well I just learned something new. September huh? Interesting. I hope he stays this sweet. Too many guys now adays seem to grow up to be people of poor character. At least in America any way.

Men of poor character are unfortunately not unique to America. It's up to us as father's to be role models. Teach our sons to be good men, and teach our daughters to not settle for men that are not.

Very touching story. Very genuine. It is one of the very touching story on a father 'ones.

Thank you. I am glad I could share. I hope you are having a good week so far.

That's so sweet. Sounds like you handled the situation well. Happy late father's day to you!

Thanks. And we're you able to celebrate father's day?

I was not able to get to Georgia to visit

All I can say is Awesome !

I got a mug a bunch of my favorite bars in which I had help eating :)

One bar had an outfit that made it look like a super hero. The cape sad Dad on it.

You already ate them didn't you? So no pictures?😁